Star Wreck

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Star Wreck

Post by Kashluk »


I read this article from a magazine about Amateur Filmmaking and came across this:

It's supposed to be some kind of a Babylon 5, Star Trek & Star Wars sci-fi parody. The above link leads to the homepage of the latest Star Wreck episode (VI), which is still being made. The older ones: I, II, III, IV, 4½ and V can be found from here:

They're free to download and available in both DivX & MPEG-format.

The trailer for Star Wreck VI is already soooo hilarious and the DivX-version is only 18Mb of size, so I recommend downloading it. It's real good, considering it's made by a bunch of filming students with a really low budget and borrowed equipment :)
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Post by Phias »

I doubt it will be accepted very well, critically or publicly. Scary Movie's line-up of shit movies is continuing, but creating a new shit parody doesn't seem too good.

We've already heard all the jokes, and seen all the spin-offs, heard the songs and seen the videos. What MORE can we parody with Star Trek/Wars? It's practicly become a parody of itself on it's own.

Every year we get a new god damned Star Trek movie, and every year it's their "LAST ADVENSHURE".

Well, let's see what they do with it.
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Post by Kashluk »

Well, I might've used the word 'parody' a bit too strongly... It's also a cornerstone in Finnish indie/sci-fi movie making: it's both the first movie including space battle scenes *and* first full-length movie that'll be released for free. So they have a (partly) serious attitude in filming it, it's not all 100% parody. But borrowing things from such well-known science fiction themes and translating them to our akward language alone carries a huge humorous potential.

Ach well, just download some of the stuff (episode V, the VI-trailer etc.) and you'll get a picture of the action.
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Post by Nicolai »

I just dl'ed the first 4 episodes, and Ill watch them later on. Looked pretty good if I'm to judge from teh snapshots on the page

Post by Kashluk »

If you've got a fast connection, I recommend downloading episode V too. The I-IV are animations, but V and the upcoming VI are "normal" movies.
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