Dark Space free trial until march 17th. No CC required.

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Dark Space free trial until march 17th. No CC required.

Post by Sankis »

I don't know if any of you heard of this game before, but its fairly fun. Its a 2-D MMO space game (Not as in graphics, as in dimensions you can move). It takes place in the future where 3 races fight for control of the galaxy. 2 of which are human, 1 is alien.

There are 2 types of servers: Zone and Metaverse.
Zone is simply a scenario with 2 or all of the factions fight, depending on which it is. The Metaverse is a persistant galaxy. The game requirements aren't very high, and it still looks very good.

In the game you can choose between a variety of ships. Small transports carrying infantry to capture planets, Miners who mine planets and asteroids for minerals to sell or use, Engineers who build up the defenses and other things with planets. There are also bombers, combat ships, scouts, etc. Each faction has their own set of ships ranging from small scouts to huge space stations. Combat is really fun, and awesome when your team gets organized attacks together

Thats probably the best I can explain it.. check out http://www.darkspace.net/ for pictures and more information.
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Post by Stainless »

This was ment to be set in the Battle Isle universe when it was being developed. After the BI part got pulled I lost intrest in it's dev.
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Post by Phias »

I've pulled myself from all MMORPGs. The members of the games always seem to find some method in annoying me, and it came to a head. There's only so much one person can take.

Seeing as I've never heard of it, I don't find myself interested in it.
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