Scientists study gay sheep

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Post by Franz Schubert »

Neon Dingo wrote:there's absolutely no point to homosexuality at all.
That doesn't mean much, coming from you.
Mandolorian wrote:technically what you feel inside is totally fucked up if you're different than the majority
That's real open-minded of you.
Kashluck wrote:People have been having gay sex for thousands of years as well. Homosexuality is a lot more acceptable these days (-> advance). So how is that unnatural?
Actually in ancient Greece, homosexuality was practically preferred, while heterosexuality was reserved mostly for procreation. True story.
Slave Master wrote:When a person reproducing is bad for society, it should not be allowed. Protecting society is why we have laws. Ergo, we should have a law preventing tards from reproducing.
You think the reason there are retards around, is because they reproduce? Let me let you in on a little secret: THEY DON'T HAVE SEX. Things like down syndrome are passed on through the genes of completely regular people. I know you think sounding fascist is cool and hardcore, but maybe you should think your ideas out a little better?
Neon wrote:Our society is based on a system of bullshit compassion for the fellow man. Helping people is selfish. I don't care what anyone says.
I can't wait until you break your spine and rely on others for the rest of your life. MAN that would be poetic.
Neon wrote:Plus, there's nothing more robotic, lifeless, and disconnected than artificial insemenation.
Wait... first you say nothing's important besides reproduction, now you're worried about the lack of pleasure involved in artificial insemination?
Neon wrote:I want pussy!
Maybe you should quit this whole "nihilist" business, because you suck at it.
Mandolorian wrote:i dont even want to think about how fucked up the kids would turn out with gay parents.
One of my friends was adopted by a gay couple, and there's nothing wrong with him. So think about it, bitch.
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Post by Slave_Master »

Franz_Schubert wrote:You think the reason there are retards around, is because they reproduce? Let me let you in on a little secret: THEY DON'T HAVE SEX. Things like down syndrome are passed on through the genes of completely regular people.
Let me clue you in on a little secret, dipshit: THEY CAN HAVE SEX. I've already said two fucking times that even though you can't get rid of Down's because it's so widespread, tards being able to reproduce has a negative impact on society. They cannot take care of their children, which forces society to either take care of the children for them, or just kill the kids.

Things like down syndrome are passed on through the genes of completely regular people. I know you think sounding fascist is cool and hardcore, but maybe you should think your ideas out a little better?
Frank Scuba, Mystical Psychic Extraordinaire. I'm not a fascist, you fucking dolt. Stop pulling the same bullshit Kashluk just got called on.

One of my friends was adopted by a gay couple, and there's nothing wrong with him. So think about it, bitch.
Think about how god damned stupid you are for thinking that anecdotal evidence will make up for a shitty argument?
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Slave Master wrote:Think about how god damned stupid you are for thinking that anecdotal evidence will make up for a shitty argument?
This was directed at Mandolorian, who said he couldn't imagine how fucked up a kid would be who had two male parents.
Slave Master wrote:I'm not a fascist, you fucking dolt.
Kill the retards, the cripples, and the fags, because society will be better off without them... call it whatever you want.
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Post by Slave_Master »

Franz_Schubert wrote:This was directed at Mandolorian, who said he couldn't imagine how fucked up a kid would be who had two male parents.
It's anecdotal evidence, regardless.

Kill the retards, the cripples, and the fags, because society will be better off without them... call it whatever you want.
Speaking of retardation, stop putting words in my mouth. I never once said anything about gay people.
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Post by happy11 »

its their own choice just let them be my bro is gay so i have nothing againts ne1

No you!
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Post by RawonaM »

its their own choice just let them be my bro is gay so i have nothing againts ne1
I dont think they really get to choose being gay or straight.
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Post by Grey Fil »

Slaverer is another clueless...something. You are generalizing shit that should not be generalized. Yor theory is very kool but how would you pratice it? Lets get to the dirty little details shall whe? Where do you draw the line? Just let me give you a few examples to show you where the difficulty in applying your dumb theory lies.

1>The vegetable, born with an atrophic brain due to malformation during gestation, nothing wrong with his genes.
2>The deep retard, his mental development stoped at the age of 1 year, he makes some noises and can even smile and move his arms but meningitis struck him hard at birth, he didnt have a strong constitution in part due to bad life conditions of his mother in part because his genes wherent the best possible.
3>The imbecile son of poor and not very smart parents, a hard life, poor food and bad sanitary conditions makes him drop out of school at an early age. He can sign his name but not read or write, take care of his daily needs and even get a job as an indeferentiated worker because he is strong and healty. But whitout assistance he lacks the hability to plan his future, in fact he may spend all his salary in candy or liquor in the first day.
4>The poor bastard, is a guy with a mediocre inteligence. He made basic school with dificulty but he is able to read and write. Unhealty since childhood and with little inteligence he manages his life with dificulty, alcohol his is saviour in dificult moments when he doesnt know what to do. Alcoholism makes him a bad parent and husband.
5>The brilliant mongoloid, with moderate Down syndrom and rich and helpful parents he manages to finish college and get a decent job. His genetic defect will make him die relatively young at 40 but he can have a rich and fullfiling life.
6>The genius in a wheelchair, his brain is top notch and he is a professor at an university. But due to genetic defects his body is a mess. He cant walk or eat by himself and he even has difficulty speaking.

These are the highlights, there are millions of combinations of these examples and intermediary situations. Tell me if you know where to draw the line because you will be the first one.
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Post by Slave_Master »

Grey Fil wrote:1>The vegetable, born with an atrophic brain due to malformation during gestation, nothing wrong with his genes.
Cannot take care of any potential offspring, and as a result the possibility of reproduction should be removed.

2>The deep retard, his mental development stoped at the age of 1 year, he makes some noises and can even smile and move his arms but meningitis struck him hard at birth, he didnt have a strong constitution in part due to bad life conditions of his mother in part because his genes wherent the best possible.
Same as number 1.

3>The imbecile son of poor and not very smart parents, a hard life, poor food and bad sanitary conditions makes him drop out of school at an early age. He can sign his name but not read or write, take care of his daily needs and even get a job as an indeferentiated worker because he is strong and healty. But whitout assistance he lacks the hability to plan his future, in fact he may spend all his salary in candy or liquor in the first day.
Alcoholism can be dealt with, and he possesses the ability to perform manual labor. I don't see the blurry line in this one.

4>The poor bastard, is a guy with a mediocre inteligence. He made basic school with dificulty but he is able to read and write. Unhealty since childhood and with little inteligence he manages his life with dificulty, alcohol his is saviour in dificult moments when he doesnt know what to do. Alcoholism makes him a bad parent and husband.
Same as number 3.

5>The brilliant mongoloid, with moderate Down syndrom and rich and helpful parents he manages to finish college and get a decent job. His genetic defect will make him die relatively young at 40 but he can have a rich and fullfiling life.
He can contribute a fair bit to society while he is alive.

6>The genius in a wheelchair, his brain is top notch and he is a professor at an university. But due to genetic defects his body is a mess. He cant walk or eat by himself and he even has difficulty speaking.
Contributes to society.

These are the highlights, there are millions of combinations of these examples and intermediary situations. Tell me if you know where to draw the line because you will be the first one.
How about... if it's a worthless bag of meat that doesn't contribute to society, kill it or sterilize it? That sounds like a good place to draw the line to me.

Can none of you people read? How many times do I have to tell you magnificent illiterati that even if a person has a significant disability that is not due to genes, it cannot take care of its children?
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Slave is one of those people that *laughed* when Atticus shot that dog.
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Post by Slave_Master »

Franz_Schubert wrote:Slave is one of those people that *laughed* when Atticus shot that dog.
No, I like dogs.

Do you have any actual arguments, or have you resigned yourself to posting irrelevant comments like the above after running out of hyperbole?
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

Franz_Schubert wrote:Slave is one of those people that *laughed* when Atticus shot that dog.
you mean you didnt laugh. i wished someone shot atticus too though. it would have made To Kill A Mockingbird worth reading.

i guess im the only one who actually understands what slave is trying to explain here. western society has corrupted you all, making you think all life is equal.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by atoga »

Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:
Franz_Schubert wrote:Slave is one of those people that *laughed* when Atticus shot that dog.
you mean you didnt laugh. i wished someone shot atticus too though. it would have made To Kill A Mockingbird worth reading.

i guess im the only one who actually understands what slave is trying to explain here. western society has corrupted you all, making you think all life is equal.
Get over it, I don't think any of us think that.

I'm an incredible asshole, and I ostracize everybody, I do think all life is equal in that sense. But it's stupid to be so superficial to judge based on genetics or a lifestyle choice, that's all. Innocent until proven guilty, eh?
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

atoga wrote:
Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:
Franz_Schubert wrote:Slave is one of those people that *laughed* when Atticus shot that dog.
you mean you didnt laugh. i wished someone shot atticus too though. it would have made To Kill A Mockingbird worth reading.

i guess im the only one who actually understands what slave is trying to explain here. western society has corrupted you all, making you think all life is equal.
Get over it, I don't think any of us think that.

I'm an incredible asshole, and I ostracize everybody, I do think all life is equal in that sense. But it's stupid to be so superficial to judge based on genetics or a lifestyle choice, that's all. Innocent until proven guilty, eh?
guilty until proven innocent is a better system.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Slave_Master »

atoga wrote:I'm an incredible asshole, and I ostracize everybody, I do think all life is equal in that sense. But it's stupid to be so superficial to judge based on genetics or a lifestyle choice, that's all. Innocent until proven guilty, eh?
By virtue of somebody being significantly disabled, they have been proven guilty.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

Slave_Master wrote:
atoga wrote:I'm an incredible asshole, and I ostracize everybody, I do think all life is equal in that sense. But it's stupid to be so superficial to judge based on genetics or a lifestyle choice, that's all. Innocent until proven guilty, eh?
By virtue of somebody being significantly disabled, they have been proven guilty.
lifestyle choice like being a rapist? people who rape people should be killed. same with child molesters and homos. its a life style choice and its definately the wrong fucking choice. anyone with half a brain can see its wrong.

people who get caught for "lifestyle" offenses should be shot multiple times on live television. all rapists/sexual deviants should be shot. people who hate people based on skin color should be shot.

imagine how much cash would be freed up if your taxes didnt have to support the unfit/prisioners that shouldnt be allowed to live in the first place.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD wrote:lifestyle choice like being a rapist? people who rape people should be killed. same with child molesters and homos. its a life style choice and its definitely the wrong fucking choice. anyone with half a brain can see its wrong.
You’re point about child molesters and rapists is moot. Throwing gays into that bunch is a mistake though, being gay hurts nobody. Who are you to judge when a lifestyle is a poor choice when its not causing harm to anyone? Would you condemn celibate monks and nuns to death because their life is different from the social norm? You’re argument is loosing credibility with every word you type, offering an opinion on the morality of an action with no factual backup is stupid.
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Post by Radscorpin »

I think CloudNineGT need's to get laid.....I was makeing a joke and you took it the wrong way, but what do you got a chance to vent your frustration on another man. Oh, and by the way, I'm not married I'm engaged and my relationship is doing very good.....lighten up :chainsaw:

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Post by Franz Schubert »

I agree with Cloud. What business is it of yours what other people do in their private life, when nobody is being harmed, and this is disregarding the new evidence that it is genetically determined. What right do you have to dictate how people should live their lives, when it doesn't affect you, or anyone else, in the slightest?
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Post by Radscorpin »

i agree with Franz rocks anyway! Thanx again for putting my pict up!

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Post by Franz Schubert »

Great... what am I, a noob magnet?
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