Scientists study gay sheep

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Post by Slave_Master »

Kashluk wrote:The whole point of my signature pic was to work as a counter-act to another forum user's (Menno) signature. I took that image and changed it "a bit". The original one had the president of France(?) smiling & arms open wide and the text: "Make the French happy! Vote for John Kerry!". So this is more of an inside-joke really than an insult towards Bush-fans. Which it is as well, but that's not the point.
But Menno's actually has a valid point. The French really, really want Kerry to get elected, and that's dangerous. It's an incredibly bad idea to have a president of a sovereign nation who'll kowtow to any foreign entity. Your signature picture, on the other hand, is based completely on stereotypes.

And Slave, could you bother to stop answering with that Quote-stuff. It makes looong posts and it's annoying to read.
I find it more effective than not. It helps to see which part of one's post in particular a person is responding to.

'Love is obsolete'. Somehow I could see that coming. Anyhow, you can call me a hate hater or whatever, but I find it to be reasonable that handicapped people can live their life to it's fullest just as the rest of us. It takes more money and support, sure, but I find it to be quite a small price for a good life.
But at the expense of other, more valuable people having a good life?

Not all poor people are supported, nor are all the handicapped. Not all sick people get treatment, nor do all the handicapped. By removing the handicapped (I know this isn't what you mean, but it's a lot easier to use it as an example this way) we might increase the chances of helping other people, but it won't guarantee their survival / prosperity either.
It's no guarantee, but it's a more productive utilization of resources than squandering it on the significantly disabled.

I know this sounds crazy, but some people even think that the reason why we should help the handicapped people is, because their life sucks big time already because of their disabilities, so there's no reason to make it suck more. I don't fully agree with this line of thought, though, but it has got a few good points. This works as a counter-argument for your opinion nevertheless, because (as I typed earlier) having children of your own is one of the best things life has to offer. So these people who think we should help the handicapped simply because nature has been unfair towards them would consider taking away the best thing of one's life to be an extremely evil act. No matter how efficient or rational it is.
That's incredibly selfish. Subjecting a child to possibly have a genetic disorder, and the trauma of being raised away from its parents, because its parent(s) is/are mentally retarded is horrific. Even moreso when you do it simply so an organism that can barely, if at all, think can feel good about itself. Being so unfair to a child to allegedly compensate for nature's unfairness to some cripple is far more cruel than simply sterilizing the aforementioned cripple. Not to mention that, to use my qualification for the worth of a human, the child probably would be less productive as a whole in society.

Post by Kashluk »

First of all, who cares if the French want John Kerry as the president? So do the Germans, Finns, Swedes and the Russians! Hell, most of Europe wants to 'overthrow' Bush and replace with him with someone, Kerry just happens to be the best candidate for the job.

My signature is based, true, on stereotypes. Stereotypes of the brotherhood ideals, because Bush seems to share quite a bunch with them. And as said, it's not supposed to be incrediply smart and cunning, it's just to push back the Kerry-dirt throwing. Nuffin' special.

You have many good points there, but I still do not see forced sterilization even as an option. Disabled people should be educated on the subject, to let them know why it's not wise for them to have kids. Then they can decide themselves if they want to cause that to their children. I put their personal freedom and their right to their body before common good, I admit. But I think it's better that way.
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Post by Radscorpin »

I give up...last thing I got to say on this topic (not like I said much to begin with) is....The world's got enough fucking idiots in it (I'm one of them), do you really think we need more? The world is waayyy over populated. So, the whole, "Homosexual sex does not produce life. And hetero sex does." is such bull-shit. I say fuck humanity, kill us all! We have done enough stupid shit in this world. PEOPLE SUCK! Stick your dick in any hole you want.

"fuck off you fucking idiot"-Megatron

Post by Kashluk »

Actually, I must quote WWTS here a bit:
Walks with the Snails wrote:I'm a bit curious, why exactly do you think the world is "severely overpopulated"? What's your magic number that we passed some time ago and are just somehow living on borrowed time ever since? The world is really pretty damn big, you know. More than 250,000 square feet of land per person big. The entire world population could be crammed into the state of Texas and leave a very comfortable 6,000 square foot living space for a family of five. And that's assuming everyone wants to live in a one-story house.
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Post by Radscorpin »

Oh...we have all this "extra space", and yet people still kill each other over the space they got or want. Humans as a whole will never have enough room or be satisfied with what they got!
I give up...last thing I got to say on this topic
and it still is....this was off topic :confused2:

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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD » you mean you have contributed more to this world then, say, Oscar Wilde? Or William Burroughs? Or even Ian McEllen? What are you? A teenage, nilhilistic virgin, who is comparing himself to an entire group of people that flourish in the arts and media?
stop sticking shit in my mouth. i can spew my own rhetoric without your help.
your point isnt even fucking valid. you pulled it out of your ass without even reading.

if you could read, you would see that that list i gave was points of other people. its not my ideology. i said that homos disgust me like white supremisists hate black people and jews.

and if i was a nihilistic virigin why would i even be comparing myself to writers when the definition of nihilism is to destroy everything. plus, this being a topic on homosexuals, i am afraid to say if i hadn't of had sex with females then how could i say that fuckin some guy in the ass is wrong?

goddamn people need to get their shit straight before they start typing.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Sister_Steel »

Alright well i dont have access to the internet enough in order to argue a topic. And in a religion there is some form of comfort for death. Now im sorry if i leave things alittle vague sometimes but i didnt think i would have to explain myself to you as i do my little 9 year old brother. No not all religions offer an afterlife, but there is a form of comfort given to death. Something that removes the fear of just dieing cause your body quits working. As for Mandalorian my gender has nothing to do with my arguement, and no im not a homosexual. I strongly disagree with it in fact. I had made a statement earlier that i figured would have placed me on a side. As for this arguement scinse i dont have the ability to keep up with it, ill just say my opinion once more and see what comes of it.

As far as the continuation of life. It requires reproduction, homosexuality does not produce life. Wether or not we need more life being produced at our current state has nothing to do with it. Simply homo sex does not produce life so in such simple terms homosexuality has no place in the continuation of life. If anything it prevents it. The only basis for the acceptance of homosexuality is Love. Love is a human made concept. Not a real thing. Therefore outside of the mental bonding of love, homosexuality does not have a place.

And Mandalorian i think would actualy share most of my views if he didnt try to stomp on me with out knowing who or what im about.
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Post by Sister_Steel »

We arent fearing overpopulation because of lack of space. We fear overpopulation because of lack of resources. Oil, food, clean water etc.

And from what i have researched nihilism doesnt mean to destroy everything, its more of an understanding that in the end nothing is obtained but death. So all prosperity leads to the same thing death, ground zero. You set your own goals and morals. Create your own value system. You dont follow the trail in a hope to get more out of life then the next person. All the while knowing your gonna die and you will have amounted to nothing.
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Post by KrokGloken »

I believe he is mistaking existential Nihilism for political Nihilism. Even political Nihilism doesn't state "destroy everything". It means to destroy an unsatisfactory system.

Nihilism is not about sitting in a dark room listening to Linkin' Park, on the contrary, you can be a Nihilist and fully embrace life! Just take a good look at Nietzsche's philosophy. Just because there is no god or afterlife doesn't make it a bad place at all! You can enjoy life, because that's all there is and that's all there's going to be.
Last edited by KrokGloken on Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by atoga »

Turan wrote:Or William Burroughs?
William S. Burroughs, while brilliant, is probably a better argument against homosexuality. If you're going for a list of smart gay people, don't go after the fucked up ones.
Mandalorian wrote:if you could read, you would see that that list i gave was points of other people. its not my ideology. i said that homos disgust me like white supremisists hate black people and jews.
Hey, gays disgust me too, for the reason that I find everything about the male body disgusting, but I have no problem with people who like it, and I think they just have different tastes, but are not tasteless. That said, why don't you just deal with it? The only reasons you've given are the same as mine. Don't fanatically insist on having them killed; just let it happen and move on.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Sister_Steel »

Right i wasnt trying to say that you should go cry about death, just that you understand that gaining social prosperity gets you nothing when you die. I still enjoy life, i have my car and my "friends". But i understand that death is inevitable and i accept it.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

atoga wrote: Hey, gays disgust me too, for the reason that I find everything about the male body disgusting, but I have no problem with people who like it, and I think they just have different tastes, but are not tasteless. That said, why don't you just deal with it? The only reasons you've given are the same as mine. Don't fanatically insist on having them killed; just let it happen and move on.
meh alright. its rather inconvienent to be bombarded with homos but hell i cant do anything about it. yet.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

KrokGloken wrote:I believe he is mistaking existential Nihilism for political Nihilism. Even political Nihilism doesn't state "destroy everything". It means to destroy an unsatisfactory system.

Nihilism is not about sitting in a dark room listening to Linkin' Park, on the contrary, you can be a Nihilist and fully embrace life! Just take a good look at Nietzsche's philosophy. Just because there is no god or afterlife doesn't make it a bad place at all! You can enjoy life, because that's all there is and that's all there's going to be.
too bad you cant fully embrace life if you dont believe it exists.

\Ni"hil*ist\, n. [Cf. F. nihiliste. See Nihilism.] 1. One who advocates the doctrine of nihilism; one who believes or teaches that nothing can be known, or asserted to exist.
also Nihilism A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid 19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination.
just for the record.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Radscorpin »

Hey, gays disgust me too, for the reason that I find everything about the male body disgusting, but I have no problem with people who like it, and I think they just have different tastes, but are not tasteless. That said, why don't you just deal with it? The only reasons you've given are the same as mine. Don't fanatically insist on having them killed; just let it happen and move on.
Thank you, I think I agree with your statement the most, but gay don't disgust me, I just don't want to see it, well I don't mind seeing two hot chicks going at it, but the female body is a work of art.

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Post by Sister_Steel »

Your post of a dictionary reference didnt counter act anything i said. And it didnt say anything about destroying everything. Maybe to todays standards but still that only means to destroy this pointless pursuit for a better life through the use of a civilized society.

And radscorpion you just contradicted yourself. Im not disgusted by homo's i just dont want to see it. Why would that be, because you find it disgusting maybe, so then wouldnt that fall under disgust.
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Post by Franz Schubert »

I find it disgusting in the same way I find African bloodmilk disgusting. It's just because it's not MY culture that I'm repelled by it. It's called ethnocentrism, and it affects your views on every issue, no matter how unbiased you THINK you are.
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Post by KrokGloken »

Mandolarianne, maybe you should try to stop basing people's ideologies off of

Existential Nihilism purely means that nothing can be TRUELY known 100% and that life is all that there is and you should live according to your values, not other's.
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Post by Sister_Steel »

Ofcourse im biased i never said i wasnt. And thats not the topic of discussion either.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

KrokGloken wrote:Mandolarianne, maybe you should try to stop basing people's ideologies off of

Existential Nihilism purely means that nothing can be TRUELY known 100% and that life is all that there is and you should live according to your values, not other's.
meh it works. i dont want to hear everyones goddamn ideologies. if you wanna hear it, listen to it. i hate most of the population at large so i definately aint listening to peoples shit.

plus what makes you think your definition is more right than a dictionary reference? thats a little interesting dont you think?
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Sister_Steel »

Never said mine or krokgloken's definition were meant to be better then the dictionaries, just that the way you interpeted it was alittle out of proportion.
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