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Post by Grey Fil »

To Slavemaster.

Thank you for considering my post idiotic. It was intended that way. The problem with your theory is preciselly that it will give idiotes grounds for all kinds of bigotry. Who the fuck are you or I or who ever else to decide who can have children or not? Do you realize the supreme arrogance to decide other peoples lifes? You have logical arguments to sterilize or kill or whatever any of the people you choose in the examples I gave. I can give you equally good arguments to kill the other people you decided to let live. The whole point is that life is not black and white but there are lots of grey shades.
I suggest you to use your theory in the people around you. Go visit some of those places where all those unworthy are and take a good look at them. Then decide wich ones youre gonna kill.

And to minimus, I am really, really very very sorry for not having English as my native language. So I will tell you in my native language to make no mistakes vai levar no cu.
Carpe jugulum.
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Post by Grey Fil »

Last edited by Grey Fil on Fri Mar 12, 2004 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Carpe jugulum.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

you forgot the "love always, grey fil".

nice double post by the way.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Sister_Steel »

I would like to hear the reason as to witch those who are not defected should be killed off. If it turns into some morale bullshit then your argument holds no ground. The point is that those who are not up to snuff shouldnt have survived in the first place. If without help from those around them they go off and have babies well then damn i guess they deserve to have babies. But until i see a mentaly challenged human go through the daily actions of an average human without aid from another i wont change my views. And to tell me to go take a look at those i say to kill, i look at them everyday. I have one kid walk by me everyday and everytime he comes within 2 feet of me he yells out at the top of his lungs COCK. And at lunch i couldnt help but notice that a gaggle of mentaly ills were facinated for atleast 15 minutes over the fact that there was cake sitting on a table. 15 minutes they stood there chanting out CAKE CAKE CAKE. Yep those are definetly the type that can go off and support a child. Look at it like this. When a momma birds kicks its baby out of the nest, it is required to learn to fly. When this doesnt work bamn one dead baby bird. Are society likes to crutch ourselves by taking those who werent quite so lucky under are wing. I fail to see how this is a prosperous act for the continuation of mankind. Theres a term called natural selection, im sure you have heard of it. Those who cant pick up the know how to survive end up dead. Its called the cycle of life, we eat the dear, the dear eat the grass, the grass feeds off worm shit ,and the worm shit is made from are dead bodies. Those who cant cut it in the real world only benefit use when they die and create good nutritious grass for the dear to eat so that the dear is good for us to eat.
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Post by Maximus »

Are = Conjugation of the verb "To Be"

You ARE dumb.

They ARE retarded.

Our = Of or relating to ourselves or ourself.

You don't have OUR sympathy.

You should learn OUR language.

Grey Fil wrote:And to minimus, I am really, really very very sorry for not having English as my native language. So I will tell you in my native language to make no mistakes vai levar no cu.
So you're smart enough to figure out that minimus is the opposite of maximus (which really has no relevance to my previous post) but you can't spell orphanage? Well You can natively kiss my ass. (The two OUR sentences can apply to you as well.)
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Post by Grey Fil »

MAXIMUS and minimus are latin words not your own.

And who are you(the plural) for me to not have Your(plural again) sympathy? And why is personal sympathy relevant in this context?

The essential point is not if a retarded person should or not be sterilized (or killed or locked in a cell or whatever). The point is where are the limits? Who decides who is worthy of being allowed to have children and who isnt? If there was a clear definition of it then go ahead and do your thing. Mentally or physically disabled people come in all grades and forms. In the previous examples I gave the choices made by slave master are not good or bad by themselves. Had he used any other criteria he could have chosen diferently and still be logical. The basic error in his assumptions is that there are clear and defined rules that can be followed to make decisions about other peoples lives.
When I said to go kill all those other people that are not retarded (in my sarcastic reply) what I meant is that if you ligitimize actions against people based on physical or mental disabilities then sooner or later somebody will use the same argument against you. Women in the victorian era where considered physically weak, without imagination and too emotional for things like hard labor or runing a business, weed was the natural place for them. Who decided it? Who decides that a person is not inteligent enough or wealthy enough to have children? And what are they going to decide next? That people who have a less then perfect knowledge of the english language should be banned from these boards because they cant really express themselves? Who will be castrated next?
Carpe jugulum.
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Post by Radoteur »

Why does this screw up any arguments?

I've seen research that proves that negro's brains are smaller and thus inferior to white's brains. From when slavery was the norm. This is what happens when politics pervades all thought.
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Post by Mismatch »

If human evolution is so important the rant should not be about not letting retards reproduce, we should instead stop medicating and performing cirgury on people born with heart conditions and such, since this has a much bigger impact on evolution.
Especially medicine which halts human evolution and boosts bacterial evolution.

But really... does it matter?
Humanity will inevitably perish sooner or later, and I can't see how a few mongoloids could destroy the genepool of all humanity.
And if the retards(read mentally challenged ones) do get a baby a decision will be made(as already is standard procedure) by the social authorities based on the suitability of the parents, if they are deemed unsuitable, then so be it. They are taken by the authrities to... well, wherever they take them.

There is nothing wrong with the current system. Not here anyway.
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Post by Slave_Master »

Grey Fil wrote:The problem with your theory is preciselly that it will give idiotes grounds for all kinds of bigotry.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the slippery slope argument. Sure, if right now we as a society instituted what I want, it'd be possible that eventually a few well-meaning individuals would replace "sterilize" with "kill". Even then, no big loss.

Do you realize the supreme arrogance to decide other peoples lifes?
You are aware of a concept entitled "Society"?

I think a decent compromise to all of my absolutely horrific fascism would be to simply remove all government aid to the significantly disabled. That accomplishes what I want, without pissing off the people that find that particular brand of authority abhorrent. Wow. To think I learned something from debating strangers on the internet. Yay.
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Post by Sister_Steel »

this is a reply to miss match not slave master

Thats true to some extent. But when did we ever have a pure genepool to begin with. Sure heart disease is in your genes but it is cureable to soem extent. Mental illness is not. Until the time comes when we can control to genes in our body then having the mentaly ill has no benefit unless used for scientific research.

Alot of the time everyone seems to forget that the mentaly ill work off a pleasure value system. They go for the imediate source of pleasure. They dont have a logic system. They dont have the ability to work through a process of pleasure in the long run. They want to satisfy their needs right then and there. So because of this unless utilized by outside forces they are only consumers, they make no resource for the rest of society to feed off of. Even with help from those around them they hardly make up for the resources they do consume. Yet those with heart disease can still run an oil drill, they can operate car factories. They still have the ability to consume while equaly producing.

Plus i never said that having them would ruin the genepool. But adding fuel to a contained forest fire never helps anything. Theres no justifiable reason to maintain that wich is only a disadvantage to the species.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »


Post by Kashluk »

Sister_Steel wrote:Rant about mental illnesses.
You, miss, don't seem to have a clue about what you're talking about. You obviously haven't ever dealt with mental illness in real life, because you think that

- Mental illness is not (curable) - WRONG
-- You can be healed from mental illness, and I don't mean living the rest of your life under heavy dosage of drugs. There are other ways, too, drugs are just a tool.
- having the mentaly ill has no benefit WRONG
-- This is like saying that having "normally" ill people has no benefit, because they're unable to add to the society at that moment. Like I mentioned before, mentall illness is in most cases just as curable as other diseases and people suffering from it can be a productive member of the society later on.
- they are only consumers, they make no resource for the rest of society WRONG
-- Ever heard of a disease called manic-depression for example? During the manic-phase it can make people *WORK* for 48 hours straight, without pauses. Of course the strain on the body usually sets off the depressive-phase, which'll make them lie in bed for another 48 hours thinking of suicide. Comparing to the man with a heart-disease, which can be very troublesome, he might not be allowed to even do any physical work in the first place, not to mention to stress himself at all or do long hours. And if he gets an infarct (from working too "hard"), he'll propably end up in bed for *more* than just 48 hours at a time.

Just wanted to correct a few obviously groundless points.
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Post by Sister_Steel »

Im not talking about those who are pshycologicaly ill, im talking about those who are retarded, say for instance down syndrome. Im talking about those who have fucked up chromosones. These are the ones who i am talking about. Yes i said mentaly ill and yes it is very vague. But ill rephrase it for you. Every time i said mentaly ill in the previous posts replace that with retarded.

Heart disease sure can keep you from doing hard labour but there are plenbty of jobs that require smarts not brawn. Maybe an executive position. Realy now that i have corrected myself your post holds no ground against me.

And as far as mentaly ill in general i have had my fair share of experience with them. My grandmother is a care taker of the mentaly ill.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

So you want your grandmother to be out of a job?
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Post by Sister_Steel »

She does have a few more talents then the ones required for her current job. She has an english degree, and a few others i beleive. So as far as her job there is no problem. And plus her job is against what i was discussing earlier. She is one of those who enjoys taking them under her wing.
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Post by Sister_Steel »

So yes i would actualy be very happy if she didnt have that as a job.
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Post by Mandalorian FaLLouT GoD »

Sister_Steel wrote:She does have a few more talents then the ones required for her current job. She has an english degree, and a few others i beleive. So as far as her job there is no problem. And plus her job is against what i was discussing earlier. She is one of those who enjoys taking them under her wing.
Blargh wrote:While the way in which the stance is made could be done with at least a pretense of civility - being far more conducive to others actually paying attention than copious swearing - it just wouldn't be Mandy otherwise.
S4ur0n27 wrote:Dexter is getting MFG'ed for the first time D:
Koki wrote:He must be Mandallorian FaLLouT God'ded ASAP :salute:
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Post by Radscorpin »


"fuck off you fucking idiot"-Megatron

Post by Kashluk »

Sister Steel, mental illness has nothing to do with disability.
You'd be a fucking idiot to think they mean the same.
That's why my post "holds no ground".

Get yourself a dictionary and learn some words. Mad \= retard!
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Post by KrokGloken »

Mental Illness: Any of various conditions characterized by impairment of an individual's normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning, and caused by social, psychological, biochemical, genetic, or other factors, such as infection or head trauma. Also called emotional illness, mental disease, mental disorder.

Disability: A disadvantage or deficiency, especially a physical or mental impairment that interferes with or prevents normal achievement in a particular area.

They have areas that are synonomous. Shut up.
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