Total Annihilation 2?

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Total Annihilation 2?

Post by Phias »

I was a fan of the original game, mainly because it was the first RTS I ever got hooked on. I heard that the dev, Cavedog(?) went out of business(probably because of TA:Kingdoms...), so when I was looking for cheap copies of the game online I heard of a sequel. Who's making it? Is this just a rumor, or is the game due this august?

And who liked the original? I thought it was a bit better than the standard RTSs that were common in its day. It was one of the best of its time, I think only topped by Dark Reign. Just feel some nostalgia whenever I see Spider Robots and such.
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Re: Total Annihilation 2?

Post by Forty-six & Two »

Phias wrote:I was a fan of the original game, mainly because it was the first RTS I ever got hooked on. I heard that the dev, Cavedog(?) went out of business(probably because of TA:Kingdoms...), so when I was looking for cheap copies of the game online I heard of a sequel. Who's making it? Is this just a rumor, or is the game due this august?

And who liked the original? I thought it was a bit better than the standard RTSs that were common in its day. It was one of the best of its time, I think only topped by Dark Reign. Just feel some nostalgia whenever I see Spider Robots and such.
Hey hey. TA2? Sounds nice. Ive been playing alot TA1 lately, very good game. I love that it uses long range artilery, most RTS just skips that important part of warfare completly. Dark Reign? That rings a bell.. I think I played that once and really digged it... anyone if its up for grabs to download free? Id like to try it.
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Post by Phias »

Well, I suppose one could find it on a popular "Oldwarez" site, since it is now 7 years old.

I like TA's Design for some reason. It seemed to hold itself slightly above the rest of the pack.
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Post by Guest »

Wait, I thought there already was a TA2? My gaming memory is malfunctioning, I guess. Maybe I'm thinking of the expansion set.

Whatever. In either case, TA2 would probably sell well, since it has a good rep.
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Post by jetbaby »

I'm still trying to find a copy of TA to play... no stores around me have it, and the only versions of Gold pack (with expansions) that i can find online don't say anything about PC compatability, just Mac.
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Post by iohkus »

the TA license was sold to some Korean dev house somewhere in Korea or something... Korean. They're supposedly doing a sequel to the game but it's not Christ Taylor's so it's probably going to suck and end up being a spin off.

I talked to Chris a year ago in an e-mail and he said he'd love to start work on another game similar to TA's tech and resource management... and someone at school recently told me that it's going to happen too.

Would be good... too bad computer games induce vomitting for me now :(
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