May 19th : "Stick it up their butt" day

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Post by Nicolai »

JJ86 said that I could be a mod if he could.. touch me.. :eyebrow:

Anyway, I use public transportation every single day (almost) and I like it: it's cheap (at least in Norway), it gets you from one place to another one pretty quickly and all you have to do is to sit in a comfortable seat and let the chaffeur do all the 'hard' work.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

I agree, except for the "sit in a comfortable seat" part, plus all the stuff I said in my previous post. You gotta be lucky to have a seat here, it's always crowded, and packed with, like I said previously, morons with backpacks and shit.
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Post by atoga »

I'm just the mod of the PnP section, Sauron. Very quaint indeed.

I wouldn't touch JJ with a ten foot pole to be made a GD moderator, but make me one anyway.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by Nicolai »

Hm, our busses are pretty big and there is a lot of them, so I almost always get a good seat (in the back of the bus).
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