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The players in one team is supposed to gain X money(Bos or Rp) for every kill(How to force respawn?) and then use them for Equipment bought from a trader or a quatermaster. The shopkeepers(2!) should be invurnable to prevent lameness or accidents. The stores should be refilled like every 10 min or so.
Can you please be quite excessive in your descriptions of the triggers?
And btw, where to get the Editor readme/help? i didn't get it with the editor
The triggers are not too multiplayer friendly and I'm not sure if NPC characters will work at all. You may want to have one player take the part of a neutral quartermaster - it may not be the most exciting play opportunity but may help your idea work. The editor readme should be included with the patch. I have an enhanced HTML version I can send to you if you give me your email.
So Mp removes triggers or something? I just thought i had to place 2 quatermasters on the map with all items and have a entity with max ammount of money that used the trigger "give item to player", but couldn't figure how the trigger worked.
This map are supposed to be used on a LAN so some pysical encouragement are actually possible
The help file wasen't included with the editor. Got the editor from the collectors pack with Fo1/2 and FoT so... My email are:
Btw.. mind sending some of the toutorials/guides too? All the links and so are broken
For some reason the developers didn't fully work out the bugs of the multiplayer system so that triggers could update among machines in a network. From what I understand, most of the triggers may be set off by one player but then the other players would not have the resulting state change reflected on their machine. So multiplayer coop games that were promised never worked. Some players have set up a system of roleplaying where one player will take on certain roles throughout a MP game such as quartermaster, etc instead of having the computer operate it.
There are still some tutorials to be found here. I am sending the main editor readme file to your email.
That's some interesting information JJ86. I had never really thought about how or why the multiplayer triggers wouldn't work, I just accepted that they indeed did not, and would not, work.
OK, so multiplayer triggers do not function because teh "conditions" are not met on every player's computer. BUT, what if the condition were met? Of course, these conditions must always be the same, and the computer must never have the opportunity to do something random (like random waypoints, the opportunity to control hostile thinking units, etc..), but I have noticed little things, like turrets, automatic doors, etc.. always seem to work. The condition usually concerning the actors being in a certain place. I believe turrets may very well work in multiplayer due to their single-minded AI, but they may still not work due to the possibility of random damage (could always have them set to kill anything in one hit though, or give them a weapon that always does the same damage). I believe that is the biggest problem with enemy units in multiplayer, their random damage possibilities and multiple path opportunities.
So im thinking that if player X has # of kills or something, this could be used to unlock doors and stuff. Global variables, that sort of thing. Eh.. maybe im just rambling here :-) Multiplayer could be fun though, it just needs the right maps, and the right people of course.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " -John 3:16
Hopes. Dreams. You have to live these things. If not, they will remain prisoner within the confines of your mind for the rest of your life.
All I can say is it may be worth expermenting if you have the network resources. But it will be a lot of trial and error to determine what works. I now have a network connection with both computers having FOT installed. So maybe I'll check it out if I can get the game on both comps to recognize each other.
Two games on one cpu would run so slow you'd never manage to accomplish anything.
Besides, I doubt it would work anyway, but it possibly could if you installed FOT twice in two dif locations.
Though I think most games tend to realize when they're already running and it just redirects you to the game already in progress (like if you have it minimized it just opens it up rather than opening a new program).
Just my 2 cents. By no way am I the smartest person in the world so I could be wrong :)
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " -John 3:16
Hopes. Dreams. You have to live these things. If not, they will remain prisoner within the confines of your mind for the rest of your life.
As far as I've been led to believe, its the computer controlled actors rather than triggers that cause the mp game to go out of sinc. Someone over at NMA asked for some help with some rather complex triggers for a rpg mp map, they never came back and said that they didn't work or caused any problems (of course they could of just given up on the idea). I think the main problem with triggering for mp is that everyone is on the same player index, and no one has tagnames.
Most of the triggers that eXodius wants to add probably wouldn't work even in sp, the give items command can be rather tempermental at the best of times.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,