Progress report

Comment on events and happenings in the Fallout community.
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Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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Progress report

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

Subdomains, i.e. the hosted sites like <A href="">Vault of the Future</a>, should now work. If they're not working for you, then wait an hour and try again while the DNS propegates.
<br>I've been coverting some of the old material over to the new content system which <b>Calis</b> wrote. So far, the old <a href="/listcontent.php?type=Interview&words=&AuthorID=0&GameID=43&CompanyID=0&PeopleID=0&submit=submit">Fallout 2 interviews</A>, the <A href="/listcontent.php?type=Interview&words=&AuthorID=0&GameID=20&CompanyID=0&PeopleID=0&submit=submit">Fallout 3 from BIS interviews</a> have been converted over, as was the <A href="/content.php?id=7">chat log of Killzig and Calis with Tim Cain</a>.
<br><b>Calis</b> has also returned the look of DAC's old news script in his new script, so kudos to him for that.
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