Reviews like the ones that said NWN's single player was the best role-playing experience ever made?PiP wrote:sorry, but it's bull. Morrowind "was "Well Done" in that it was fun for most all people", whether we like it or not - check reviews and stuff.
Morrowind was really only "well done" in terms of how they crafted the landscape and location lay outs. Other than that, I'm not sure how anyone can say it was well done. The dialogue was hideously bad and felt more like dealing with a poorly laid out web site than actual dialogue. The combat was boring as shit, comprising mainly of R-Type style shoot or hold the button down for better shoot.
Wandering around and checking out the scenary was about all the fun there really was to Morrowind. Let's face it though, when combat is as bland as it was in Morrowind, and dialogue isn't good either, finding new towns isn't that great of a thing. Nor is finding one of those dungeon locations.