VanBuren vehicles, according to JE Sawyer

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

No, we would get boring games about pie and TV.

Post by PsychoSniper »

Mmmmm.... Pie...... *drool*
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Spazmo wrote:The car in Fo2 was described as one of the rare models that ran on energy cells that was produced before the war. That said, it's still really silly because the description of the part that improves fuel efficiency mentioned that the energy cell cars never caught on because "hey, fuel is cheap and plentiful, right?" Well... no, it wasn't. A car than ran on fusion should have been a hot ticket item with the fuel shortages. To the credit of the Fallout 2 team, the description of the car also says that the fusion powered cars were quickly discontinued as factories were turned to wartime production.
Fuel Cell Controller
DESCRIPTION: This chip controls the flow of power into a car's electric engines. Many drivers quickly burnt out this chip through frequent rapid acceleration. Still a valuable part to have-- if you only had a car to install it in.

Fuel Cell Regulator
DESCRIPTION: Some car-owners installed this regulator, that doubles your car's mileage between charges, but most drivers didn't care how much juice their cars consumed, after all, power's cheap and plentiful so why worry.
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