If you live in the Seattle/Puget Sound area

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Post by CloudNineGT »

Downtown Tacoma has some quality hobos, every now and then I'm outside a club or something and I get some great lines. A woman once asked me for my milk money, and another demanded she was a man (maybe she was?) and asked my friend Jenny if she wanted to pay to have sex with her. Then there’s the crazy black guys who scare the shit out of me cause they try to pimp hags off and tell you about their little knife they use to cut boxes open. Still, on average they are a filthy, smelly, drunken lot.

Theres so many of us, I say we all show up at Altra's house with some whiskey. Then we have sex with his pets.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

I'd rather drink lemonade.
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Post by LlamaGod »

Thats why you're Canadian.
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Post by Reklar »

Poulsbo is about 45 minutes from my house and Seattle is about an hour drive away, depending on traffic. I'll be glad when they're done with the new bridge though 'cause that'll mean twice as many idiots threatening to jump and cause three hour traffic jams. :anger: Anyway, I'd sign up for the testing if I could actually take advantage of the free games, but I don't own an X-Box and I haven't seen much reason to buy one either.

(a Fallout/RPG fan)
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Bridge = stupid. I live right next to the bridge (Tacoma side) and unless your a moron bridge traffic doesn’t mess with you. Well, unless I'm trying to get to Jet's house. Bastard lives across the onramp to the bridge and the other to it is blocked by the other way onto the bridge. Two bridges simply mean twice as much traffic as every yuppie douchebag drives his SUV over to live “away� from the city in an area with 100 times the urban growth and traffic congestion.

Lemonade is good, but personally I feel limeade is a tad better.
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Post by Radoteur »

I hear that you get to pick what software you get from what they have. http://www.microsoft.com/playtest/gifts.htm
It doesn't seem like they're going to stick you with an Xbox game if you don't own an Xbox.
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Post by Nicolai »

We never get this kind of stuff in Norway D: ... But that might just be because of our total awesomety.

And btw: Spanish keyboards=teh suck
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Post by Spazmo »

AZERTY is the spawn of the DEVIL.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by SDMVersion3 »

Heh, I just noticed this.


Figure they'd run a spellchecker.
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Post by Janus Matchell »

I had a chance to visit Seattle once. It was very rainy and there were hobos almost everywhere. If you wanted to know what death smelt like just smel them hobos. Smelt like 12 tons of dirty ass for crying outloud. I must've given them like $30 bucks to just leave me the hell alone.

Hey by the way isn't Mircosoft/X-Box and Bunge(them HALO people) supposed to be developing a Shadowrun MMORPG?
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Post by airsoft guy »

It doesn't rain here all the time, just in winter and fall. In spring it goes from super sunny to pouring in a heartbeat. Makes for some interesting days. In the summer it practically never rains. Like a week ago it rained for a day or so and then quit, now it's hot again.
George Bush lowered taxes so the Jews could kill Michael Moore.

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Post by Janus Matchell »

I went there back in october 1999 it was cool but yeah hobos stink.
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Out here

Post by Guest »

Out here in the desert it doesn't rain very often but when it does.........


It gets cold as f*** here in the winter.
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Post by MurPHy »

That looks more like the Bahamas to me. I wonder why they never revolted against British rule, like we did? 'Cause if they had, we would have annexed them and the Bahamas would be a state. Yay for tourism. No need to mess with passports or any other such things.

EDIT: Why do I feel like that entire post came out of left field? Hmm. I need to get more sleep.
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