Franz_Schubert wrote:Something I've noticed: A lot of Democrats have been saying "Kerry's not good, but at least he's better than Bush" or some variant thereof. But I don't understand what's not to like about him. He's clearly highly intelligent, and he seems responsible and has a level of professionalism and maturity that makes me think he would be a very good president. Conversely of course, Bush has NONE of the qualities I mentioned; but he's *decisive*, and from what I've been hearing lately... that's all that fucking matters.
You're right. I'm a liberal (but not a Democrat, I'm a Canadian and created my own political system known as Facocommocracy), and I can't stand Kerry.
He's intelligent, but he can't make up his fucking mind.
He goes off to war. Then he changes his mind and opts out when his tour is over. Then he changes his mind about whether he should have gone to war and testifies that the war was wrong. Then he changes his mind about that and says he may have said some things he shouldn't have. And then he changes his mind and says that he would make a good leader becase of his war experience. But then he changes his mind and says that war is wrong and he won't support it. And then he changes his mind and says war is wrong and he will support it because soldiers are okay. And then he changes his mind and says that war is sometimes okay. And then he changes his mind and says that war is great and he was an awesome soldier, now stop slamming me with anounymous ads you fucking OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone cowboy, kthxbye.
He can't be trusted. You never know what he'll think next, because even he doesn't know. I sometimes wonder if he bases his policy on dice rolls.
MurPHy wrote:Case in point: Remember the bombing of the U.S.S Cole in a port in the middle east? Over 20 sailors died. What did Clinton do to get the terrorrists responsible? JACK SHIT.
He pussyfooted around and did nothing. As usual. Pussy. THAT is one of the causes of 9/11. Terrorrists attack, nothing happens. They think we are weak, and cowards, so BAM! 9/11. Clinton sent them the wrong message about us. Kerry will do the same thing. I am sure of it.
I believe you are misinformed; Clinton began a series of tactical bombing campaigns designed at attacking Osama Bin Laden and his networks across Pakistan, Afghanistan, and south Saudi Arabia. It is estimated that bin Laden was roughly an hour away from being a puddle on the floor due to the difficulty of procurring information, since it was mostly done through corruption. You can also hear him say Osama Bin Laden (granted he murders the pronunciation) in Bowling for Columbine, if my memory serves, which was the first time he was mentioned in a public broadcast.
He didn't declare open war; he was already in a war at the time, and with scandal after scandal dogging him, he couldn't really try and juggle 3 wars, an economy, and his legal fight to stay in office.