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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Pretty much everything in Fallout, except FOT, was in 80 year increments.

Great War being in 2077... 80 years after Fallout was released on October 6, 1997.

Anyone catch that?
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Post by Flamescreen »

Yeah, it is common ground for things to use the current date and add to that to make the future. Star trek uses this for instance.
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Post by BigJack »

Saint_Proverbius wrote:Pretty much everything in Fallout, except FOT, was in 80 year increments.

Great War being in 2077... 80 years after Fallout was released on October 6, 1997.

Anyone catch that?
Wow never thought of that...

mmm FO1 is in the year 2157? And FO2 in the year 2237?

Now hear this, your calculations about FO1 being 80 years after the war is wrong.

2077+80=2157 while 2157+80=2237 and just as a reminder FO2 is in the year 2247/2248 (did the math?)

Hope that clarified some of the stuff...
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Post by king_ota »

Ack! - so basicly FO2 is 160 years after the war? Right?....

Anyway shouldn't some of the radiation have broken down by now making things a bit more tollarabul?
(but they were stuffed fatmen groundbursts(= to Lots of fallout more then enought to cause a near permant nuclear winter)...
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Post by Shadowvalor »

Okay, well it may just be me, but from a non-realistic-all-fallout example: The only time I really soaked the rads in Fo1 was The Glow, and in Fo2 was when I ran into a nuclear reactor with leather armor mk2 on.

BUT! When looking at the idea of all the raditaion brakeing down, take a look at something. Bombs dropped. 80 years later the vault opens. Oops! Mr. Vault Dweller pops another bomb. Then the chosen one yet another one. It keeps the cycle going, if you haven't noticed.

I'm not sure the Fallout team means to do this, but the world is getting radiated every time some mofo tries to save the world.

As far as ground or air bursts. West Tech was nuked, in my interpretation, maybe more than once. With the damage done to a miliary installation that looks to be very well made to be sheilded from a nuclear attack- Ground burst there?
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Post by king_ota »

didn't thank about all of the radiation you leak out (in FO2 you can do three bomb worth [gecko, the oilrig reactor, and the bomb in the oilrig])

Yea a ground burst is the only way to get rid of "dug in" Instliations (like other nuke silos)
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Post by Tank »

Yes. That can alss be seen by the hole in the place created by the bomb. I suspect the pro\bably had a bomb of the type with a small warhead in the nose that would explode downwards to brek throught the ceiling so the next, larger, wrarhead could penetrate into the place and cause some major damage...
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Post by BigJack »

king_ota wrote:Ack! - so basicly FO2 is 160 years after the war? Right?....

Anyway shouldn't some of the radiation have broken down by now making things a bit more tollarabul?
(but they were stuffed fatmen groundbursts(= to Lots of fallout more then enought to cause a near permant nuclear winter)...
The quantity of fallout done by a nuke last really, really long. 160 years must be considered short times while talking about nukes and fallout.
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Post by Goumindong »

Tank wrote:Since they used fat-man style bombs I'd say they were all ground-bursts. These also contained much more radioactive material. No to mention the atmospheric reactionthey said happened (an old '50s theory that has now been disproved but was strong back then- something about a big nuclear reaction setting off a chain-reaction through the entire atmosphere. They mention this in the Fallout 1 intro).
i think your thinking of Dr. Strangelove. I remeber no theory's like such, excepting the one in that movie(unless it used a real theory)
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Post by Tank »

It's an old one, agreed. Ask Sanit_Proverbius for more information on it.
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