Gearhead now 0.852

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Mr. Teatime
Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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Gearhead now 0.852

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

<a href=" ... earhead</a> (be warned, awful <a href="">Geocities</a> website</a>), the post apocalyptic mecha freeware game, has been updated to version 0.852.
<br><blockquote>- Numerous bugs fixed
<br>- Can now rename mecha (backpack.pp)
<br>- Added run toggle key for roguelike interface (pcaction.pp)
<br>- Press once to start running, press again to walk.
<br>- Maybe fixed the stationary jumping NPCs bug (aibrain.pp)
<br>- NoMetal attack attribute now works correctly
<br>- No more doors choking to death from toxin grenades.
<br>- Items in shop, backpack now have description (services.pp,backpack.pp)
<br>Or, at least, they have the possibility to have descriptions. I haven't actually added descriptions for most items yet.
<br>- Armor can't take more damage than it has (action.pp)
<br>- Fixed an overflow error in repair procedure (skilluse.pp)
<br>- Increased the morale effect of reputation change (ability.pp)
<br>- Overchatting is a sociable action (arenascript.pp)
<br>- Experimental tactics mode, to reinstate team battles (arenaplay.pp)
<br>You can't actually use this yet, but it's there, and it appears to be eorking.
<br>- PickPockets cash amount gets +1-10 (pcaction.pp)
<br>So, people won't always be carrying cash in multiples of 5.
<br>- Fixed a bug in IsSafeArea function (locale.pp)
<br>- Random soldier generator fixed (wmonster.pp)
<br>- No more naked supermen.</blockquote>
<br>You can get the .zip file <a href="http://gearhead.roguelikedevelopment.or ... p">here</a>, and the graphics pack for this version <a href="http://gearhead.roguelikedevelopment.or ... p">here</a>.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="">RPG Codex</A>
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