<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>
The post-apocalyptic mecha game, <a href="http://www.geocities.com/pyrrho12/progr ... earhead</a>, has been updated to version 0.853. You can get the game itself <a href="http://gearhead.roguelikedevelopment.or ... p">here</a>, along with either the <a href="http://gearhead.roguelikedevelopment.or ... e.zip">big graphics</a> or <a href="http://gearhead.roguelikedevelopment.or ... zip">small graphics</a>. Here is the changelog:<blockquote>- Added one new joinable faction: the Thieves Guild
<br>They've only got one mission and no promotion rewards yet, but give me time.
<br>- Reworked Ipshil dungeon and moved Forager somewhere else
<br>- Can now change player sprite (pcaction.pp)
<br>- Tidied up design directory, thanks to Malte Helmert(Design/*.txt)
<br>- Increased Mecha Fighting concussion damage(action.pp)
<br>- Fixed weapon token bug when selecting robot parts(backpack.pp)
<br>- Failed roll to revive results in perminant death(backpack.pp)
<br>- Added CyberPsycho, Extropian talents (ghchars.pp)
<br>- Rate of cybernetic disfunction adjusted(arenacfe.pp)
<br>- Added another failsafe to deployment routine(locale.pp)
<br>This should prevent items from being deployed in walls.
<br>- Increased XP award for picking pockets (pcaction.pp)
<br>- Added Fudge item value adjustment (gearutil.pp)
<br>- Added END trigger (arenaplay.pp)
<br>- Blast, Hyper ammunition now more expensive(ghweapon.pp)
<br>- Added Complex attack attribute (ghweapon.pp)
<br>- Fixed a bug in the target switch key (gflooker.pp)</blockquote>There's a lot of devotion from the author to this project.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.rpgcodex.com">RPG Codex</A>
Gearhead reaches a new version
- Mr. Teatime
- Righteous Subjugator
- Posts: 3340
- Joined: Mon May 19, 2003 12:07 pm