Various developer comments about Fallout 3

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Mr. Teatime
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Various developer comments about Fallout 3

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

Instead of editing my current news posts, I thought I'd post the developer comments from various forums here with regards to the recent news about <b>Fallout 3</b>'s (possible) direction.
<br>Firstly we have <b>Kathode</b> on <a href="">RPG Codex</a> saying,<blockquote><i>Just a quick obvious point that won't do anything for you: The drugs and hookers part is not a quote from Todd. That's from Computer Games. Notice the lack of quotes :)</i></blockquote>On a similar note, <b>MrSmileyFaceDude</b> posts on <a href=" ... =9086">our own forums</a>,<blockquote><i>But no, we can't talk about it :) And it does say "survival-horror-esque", not "this is a survival horror game".</i></blockquote>What I deduce from this is that they can deny the survival horror thing, but the other parts they're staying quiet on, in terms of confirming/denying.
<br>Before today, <b>Pete Hines</b> <a href=" ... t=0">wrote on NMA</a>,<blockquote><i>There are no devs to be open to interviews because currently there are no devs for Fallout 3. As we've said several times, we're in pre-production and in the process of hiring people to work on the game. When there are devs, and they are ready to talk about the game, and we have something to talk about, we'll talk about the game.</i></blockquote>Make of this what you will. I do find it confusing that, if <a href="">Bethesda</a> have no team, why so many game-style decisions appear to have been made.
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Post by King of Creation »

You know, it's very, very hard to not pass judgements on things when we are giving so many different quotes on so many different things...even though there is no team or anything yet. If the PR fonts at Bethesda keep saying all these things, and then get pissy when we react to them and then they say stuff like "well there's not even a team yet, so shut up," it'll just anger us even more. We know very well that there is no team, and we don't appreciate being told all sorts of things, but then have things said taken back or whatever.

I'll just be glad when concrete things come out, and none of this "well it'll be kinda this, with some of that" mystary bullshit.
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Post by PsychoSniper »

KoC's right.

I have a message to Pete Hines, a free PR lesson.

WHen you have something concrete to say say it.

Shut the fuck up until then.

Yes, getting the name out there with vauge comments is a good thing, but the name is allready out there quite a bit, and this vauge bullshit is simply making us paranoid FO fans reading this info in our own private FO shelter fear the worst.

If you simply STFU until you have concrete info, then you'll stopped being bashed on FO fansites.

Unless of coruse that info truly is bad news for FO, then youi'll be bashed even worse.
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Post by Mismatch »

so, are we to nderstand that this wall a false alarm?
I'd be happy to accept that, overjoyed even.
Maybe we're a tad to quick to interpret things in a negative way.
But who can blame us really.
I really thought that we were being pissed in the face again.

I suppose that Pete Hines started talking since we all want info bout the game, too bad thigs get all messed up when he goes talking to gaming mags and shit.
How bout making his statements here, and making them well thought through leaving no room for doubt.

I just hope that bethesda won't get scraed by our reactions the last few days... I suppose that we're like a buch of raped chicks, we have rouble with trusting ppl...
I just hope we wont get raped again.
But I suppose its better getting raped together with other ppl, this way I can wave at you ppl during the gruesome act.
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Post by Janus Matchell »

I don't know man my bullshit detector goes off like mad whenever I read any PR stuff relating to Fo3. I think that they are just jerking us around until we are weary enough to believe anything that they say relating to the Fallout universe. It drives me insane not knowing what they are going to change and how they are going to change it. I hope fanout kicks the shit out of Fo3 because at least it is good hands that know what is good in terms of storyline and what not.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

They're like teens D:
They say stupid things, people ask them to explain and develop their points, then they get all pissy and go : "Nothing".

Post by PsychoSniper »

Actualy Mismatch, I hope they DO get scared by our reaction. It might get a point across.
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