What happened to all the FOT graphics and mods I used to see

Mapping & modding Fallout Tactics and reviewing maps thereof.
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What happened to all the FOT graphics and mods I used to see

Post by Burnov »

The title pretty much speaks for itself. On this site I think? or perhaps NMA and in the threads on this forum there used to be the occasional link to portraits, weapon and item graphics. Some mods even.

Are there still any online resources for these?

I've been looking at my copy of fallout tactics and I'm trying to think of an excuse to install it on my other pc and do some fiddling with the editor whilst I play fallout on this one.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Just about every sprite can be found at MV's Map Hub. When trying to download them, you just need to change .net to .cx and there should be no problem. You can also find many tiles there too. DAC probably has the most complete collection of maps. Portrait collections can be found here. If you need some mods, I can email them to you. Here are several that I have:


1.races.zip 7Kb Changes the starting prefabs to different races.
2.ateam.zip 29Kb Replaces starting team with characters from the A-team.
3.fothack.zip 7Kb Starting team has 100 in all stats. Start with super sniper rifle.
4.manhattan_project.zip 165Kb Balances game by making combat more difficult.
5.tripsmod.zip 8Kb Choose a prefab and modify it.

I also have sprites and tiles, etc that can't be found elsewhere. I'll dig around and see what things I have that can't be found elsewhere.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

I'm currently talking to Teatime to see if I can maintain the Map Hub in MV's abscence, so the problem might be getting easier in the near future.
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Post by Burnov »

JJ86 used to have a site on NMA that had some interesting sprites as I recall.

The ones on the MV map hub are good. Especially the originall fallout ones I found there.

JimmyJay. Can you tell me more about trips mod?
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Version 0.02
-Fixed bug involving incorrect hitpoints
-Corrected stat point error for robot and ghoul

Version 0.01
-You can now make a character of any race by selecting new game and then choose one of the premade characters. Each one is a different race. You can modify the character if you want.
-now the lockers in the BOS Bunkers can hold an unlimited amout of stuff, so you can store all you want there.(Not being able to store much in the lockers was very annoying to me)

That is all the features I have added for now but if there is
anything else you want ot see in this mod or if there are any bugs please e-mail me at mrtrip@angelfire.com

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