Gareth Davies developer profile at NMA

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Mr. Teatime
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Gareth Davies developer profile at NMA

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ -> Interview]</strong>

<b>Gareth 'Section8' Davies</b>, who worked on <b>Fallout: Tactics</b>, has filled out his <a href="">Fallout developer's profile</a> at <a href="">NMA</a>.<blockquote><i><b>What is your hope for future Fallout games? Would you like to be a part of a future Fo team? </b>
<br>Ultimately, I'd like to see a return to the original Fallout's moral exploration. The fact that each time I replay Fallout I consider most of my actions on a personal character based point of view as well as a "common good" perspective makes it intriguing. And then to be able to act within a set framework and experience the results of your moral decisions makes it pretty powerful.
<br>As for whether I'd want to be part of a Fallout team, I'd probably say yes. It would be one of very few titles that would renew my dev amibitions and lure me back to the industry. But having said that, I'm in no rush to send off a resume to Bethesda. I think you'd have to ask the hypothetical team if they'd like me to be a part. I've got plenty of strong opinions on Fallout, and being a team player would be secondary to expressing that views. In short, I'm a stubborn, opinionated and mildly fanatical fuckwit that would be a displeasure to deal with. </i></blockquote>This is one of the better profiles on <a href="">NMA</a>.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="">NMA</A>
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