If there is a size wall in spray I haven't found it yet. I thought there was when I started making those ICBM's, but it was just that spray won't display the whole sprite in its window if it is too large. I saved an ICBM that looked like it was chopped off, but when I looked at it in RedView all of it was there.
The vertibird. There is a slightly different angle in the isometric view of fallout. With a little time I could easily make a convincing vertibird that used vectored jets instead of blades in truspace5. I could even make 8 views of it that would perfectly match the isometric angle and the N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW angles in FOT. Now, as for how to make an animated sprite, thats beyond the realm of a mere pixcell pusher.
I also found that the volumetric bounding need not encompass the entire sprite what isnt in the bounding box is visible but etherial.
examples in spray and redview.
Sounds like a cool mission if you want I could make a crashed Blackhawk helicopter.