Fallen Earth interview at HomeLAN Fed

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Mr. Teatime
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Fallen Earth interview at HomeLAN Fed

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ -> Interview]</strong>

<a href="http://www.homelanfed.com">HomeLAN Fed</a> have <a href="http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id= ... nterviewed James Hettinger</a>, the CEO of <a href="http://icarusstudios.com/">Icarus Studios</a> who are making the post-apocalyptic MMORPG <a href="http://icarusstudios.com/">Fallen Earth</a>.<blockquote><i><b>HomeLAN - What other unique features will make Fallen Earth stand out from the crowd?</b>
<br>James Hettinger - What we’ve tried to do is improve the online game experience in as many ways as we can, putting a great deal of effort on multiple fronts – gameplay of course, but also sound, music, art quality and animation, an attention to detail and cohesiveness… to approach every aspect of the game from our own perspective, and to develop them in ways that makes it distinctive.
<br>As far as gameplay specifics, we’re particularly proud of having created a game that doesn’t straightjacket the player into a class-based system. The players themselves pick and choose the ways they grow their characters, rather than being inserted into rigid classes. We’ve also worked hard to make our creatures more intelligent, to add levels of strategy and tactics that keep the game from becoming formulaic.
<br>The world of Fallen Earth is rich, complex, and expansive. We wanted exploration and discovery to be an ongoing, constant experience– to take the player away from the “sandbox� environments of other online games.</i></blockquote>Sounds interesting, I guess.
<br>Unrelated to this is the new <b>Picture of the Week</b> that <b>Ghetto Ghoose</b> has put up, this time it's a wallpaper from <a href="http://projectfanout.com">Project Fanout</a>.
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King of Creation
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Post by King of Creation »

To correspond...Here's an interesting article that was just posted about MMO pay to play, entitled "Grumpy Old Gamer: Pay To Play.....Or Not":
http://www.gameclubcentral.com/modules. ... e&artid=66

Please note the author's Avatar.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

I didn't read the whole thing, as I am very sleepy, but the guy obviously has good taste in avatars.
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