Bryan Singer on Logan's Run

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Bryan Singer on Logan's Run

Post by Mad Max RW »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

With the future of the proposed <B>Logan's Run</b> remake looking grim, director <B>Bryan Singer</b> (The Usual Suspects, X-Men) lightened things up in a recent interview. He chats with <B>Capone</b> at <A HREF="" target=_blank>Aint It Cool News</a>:<blockquote><em><B>Capone</b>: Are you still committed, after SUPERMAN, to LOGAN'S RUN?
<br><B>B.S.</b>: My desire to do that film is so much so that I'm already pre-vizing [pre-visualizing] LOGAN'S RUN simultaneously while we're making SUPERMAN, so that by the time I'm done making SUPERMAN, I'll have LOGAN'S RUN completely pre-vized. I've already got five major sequences pre-vized, including Carousel. It's extraordinary, things you've never seen before. I'm usually that excited about something this far out, but if I showed you the pre-viz, I think you'd get a big kick out of it.
<br><B>Capone</b>: The real question is do you have your costume designer lined up for LOGAN'S RUN?
<br></b>B.S.</b>: As hard as it is to make sure you have a good and solid Superman suit, I think her greatest challenge will be the LOGAN'S RUN costumes. I told her that the other day actually. We had some artists do some preliminary designs to see if certain things are possible, but when she comes on board it's going to be interesting, especially in the world my LOGAN'S RUN takes place in, it's very strange.</em></blockquote>Doesn't explain the rumors around delaying the movie's production.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="">Aint It Cool News</a>
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Stevie D
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Post by Stevie D »

Logan's Run? How that film got cult status is beyond me. Utter drivel.
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Sovy Kurosei
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Post by Sovy Kurosei »

I'm with Mr. Teatime.

Pre-vised? We have developers making up new acronyms for games, and now producers making up new words in the film business? Aye, aye, aye.
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Post by fallout ranger »

How the fuck does "pre-vized" mean pre-visualized? Shouldn't it be "pre-vizzed"? either way, why not just say the whole thing?

Superman will suck.
does this work
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Stevie D wrote:Logan's Run? How that film got cult status is beyond me. Utter drivel.
I dunno, I've always thought Logan's Run was one of the BETTER post apocalyptic dystopic movies. Sure, it wasn't the flashiest movie ever made, but it had a decent plot with a lot of background build up. The acting wasn't bad either.

That said, Hollywood sucks today. All they seem to do is remake old movies, make comic book movies, or sequels.
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