Minor update to Fallout 2 - The Second Apocalypse mod

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Mr. Teatime
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Minor update to Fallout 2 - The Second Apocalypse mod

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Mod News (DO NOT USE - use MOD > UPDATE instead)]</strong>

<b>Haris</b> sends word that he's updated his and <b>Miran</b>'s <i>Fallout 2</i> mod, <i>Fallout 2 - The Second Apocalypse</i>.<blockquote><i>This mod is exactly the same as regular Second Apocalypse mod, only difference is that in this version encounter tables have been boosted up extremly to prevent time limit of 13 years to run out so fast. this was specially problem for people with high cpu. but this mod is recomended for those with low cpu too, because it means you will encounter tons more stuff before time runs out making u able to gain extreme amount of lvls and play time.</i></blockquote>The response to this mod has been generally positive, though the addition of a few quests would be nice. You can get the updated version of the mod <a href="http://www.duckandcover.cx/files/Fallou ... p">here</a>.
<br>Thanks for the email, <b>Haris</b>, and keep up the good work.
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Post by Haris »

i tryed it before and i was encountering stuff like every tile i moved on map. that was kinda fun. and this was with 320 ram 1000 mhz. i am guessing poeple with twice good pcs wont encounter something like every tiny move they make like i did but i hope they wont be able to walk all the way across map and not meet anything. before chance of encounter was 4% on some places and 22% as highest on some rare places. now lowest is 80% and lots of areas on map have 90% encounter chance.

in old version of mod i menaged to make 13 years pass and i was only lvl 17. now not even 5 months has past and i am upp to lvl 5. the biggest complaint about mod was that it was fun but 13 years time limit made it for some poeple imposible to gain more than 8 or 15 lvls before game ended all depending on how fast ur pc was. now they should at least be able to go upp to lvl 35-40. and by that time...well lets face it your sick of that char and want to start over. not to mention that tons of encounters means alot more playing time where your actually fighting and not like it was before where u spent most of those 13 year just walking on the world map.
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Post by hat_man99 »

Too true too true...........

But it's still good the other way too :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed:
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Post by SuperH »

So... you want it to just be a non-stop battle fest? With bad grammar. Play Diablo, eh.
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Post by Megatron »

Anyone remember that fallout 2.5 mod with all the combat by that dolo guy?
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Post by Haris »

[quote="SuperH"]So... you want it to just be a non-stop battle fest? With bad grammar. Play Diablo, eh.[/quote]

There is no bad grammar in the actuall mod. i mean there is no grammar what so ever in the mod. coz it doesent have quests. so i really dont know what your on about.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

He means you like a FO without story and with a lot of combat, which means you'll get nothing but hatred from people here.

What's the point of going around the map lelveling up anyway?
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Post by Haris »

well some people like that part of fallout most. this mod was made for that kinda people. i used to play fallout this way and than i was just ignoring towns. but i didnt like the encounter table coz it was cheatfull and gave way to much for free and i didnt like the fact where ammo for certain guns just allways was rare while other guns had overflow of it. so i made shop in this mod that sells all weapons and all ammo that exists in game and i made him not run out of any of those and i made it imposible to kill him. so you actually have to collect stuff to afford stuff and not just steal it from shop keeper. and argument go play diablo doesent hold here coz its not same thing. i like fallouts turn based combat and wasteland feeling. quests on other hand where they pull a joke every second phrase was fun first 20 times i played fallout 2, now jokes are old and i wanted it to be more serious. and i besicly wanted to create something fun to waste time on while wating for fallout 3.
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Post by Tenkoy »

I don't see any real problems with the mod.

I would stress that what little dialouge you have in it be correct. Having the shopkeeper use stuff like "U want stuff" reflects poorly upon the people who created it. If I made something like this, I'd respect the mod enough to have correct grammar.

However, personally I'm enjoying it. It's a nice break from the normal Fallout 2 game.
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Post by Haris »

oh, its saying u in the mod. :/ i didnt even notice it, i guess its all 3 years off mmorpg damage i got. where all players talk like that. :?
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