<strong>[Game -> Mod News (DO NOT USE - use MOD > UPDATE instead)]</strong>
<b>Kaczor</b> sends word that the <a href="http://angrenost.org/~trinity/site/inde ... g">Trinity website</a> has been updated, and that the English version of the site is now working correctly.<blockquote><i>As you probably noticed, from some time now we had serious problems with our forum. Unfortunately the server our forum was on broke down. After unsuccessful attempts of resurrection of the old server we decided to install all from beginning. It wasn't so hard. A little problem was with the partly damaged database. Luckily we have mINA in our team - without him we would lost everything that appeared earlier in our threads. After some manipulations, we managed to restore the forum. This time under a different domain <a href="http://angrenost.org/~trinity/forum/">h ... /forum/</a>.
<br>Although it's hard to see, our website has also changed a bit. Now it's fully integrated with the forum. We don't have to correct the files manually to write news or something. All we have to do is to make an appropriate thread in forum. It makes it much easier. Shortly, there should be some changes in the content of the site - sections should be updated.</i></blockquote>