Restricted Area Nominated

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King of Creation
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Restricted Area Nominated

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

The <a hre="">Restricted Area</a> website is reporting that the game is up for some major German gaming awards!<blockquote><i>We are proud to announce that RESTRICTED AREA has been nominated in five categories for the German Developer Awards:
<br>- Best PC Game (Fullprice)
<br>- Best Community Support
<br>- Best Interface
<br>- Best Story/Gameworld
<br>- Best Gamecharacter(s)
<br>The ceremony will be at the 12th of November in Essen, Germany.</blockquote></i>
<br>Good luck guys.
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Post by Spazmo »

The German games industry is fairly self congratulatory (see Soldiers of Anarchy reviews from German sites/magazines) and they'll really nominate anything. I'm not saying anything bad about RA, but I'd like to play it myself (in English) to see if it's good.

Oh, and isn't it odd how they're announcing nominees for 2004 when 2004 isn't even over yet? Are they just making up categories as they go along to hand out to new releases?
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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King of Creation
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Post by King of Creation »

Well, if the ceremony is November 12th, then it kinda makes sense.
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Post by gomimin »

It's nominated...doesn't say anything...on the site of the german devoeloper price is nothing mentioned about yesterdays winners...and nowhere is it important anyway?!?

I'll downloaded the demo today, will test...the only thing impressing me right now is that they are just 2 developers and some freelancers...and that friends told me the multiplayer is bugged as hell...
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Scarf-wearing n00b
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Post by gomimin »

to whom it may concern :eyebrow:

here are the winners...RA 0 points...FarCry 3 points

i canceled the Demodownload for beeing that slow.

A friend who's playing FO1+2,FOT says: Dissapointment

nothing left to say
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