Restricted Area reviewed

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Restricted Area reviewed

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

It's all in German, <a href="">over at PC Play 24</a>, but they liked it and gave the game 84%.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="">RPGDot</A>
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

german sounds so wicked

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Post by PiP »

yea, just think that German and English have common roots. (but the latter got strongly influenced by French and Latin and generally has been developing pretty hard)

any chance somebody translated this -view into English?
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Post by Nicolai »

At the latest after FarCry and Sacred we do not know to hide the play developers from Germany before your colleagues from the USA need.
Now a further developer team made of Germany knocks on the "Diablo killers" door. Whether young from master the Creating with your first work "RESTRICTED AREA" with Diablo and Sacred can keep up, or whether you are still better than the competition, experience you now.

Owing to the substantial environmental degradation of the last century the climate on earth had dramatically changed. The majority of the earth's surface resembled an enormous desert landscape. The consequences were devastating. Hunger, war and misery governed in the last century. And mankind sank in an enormous chaos.

We write the year 2083. For the first time in history mankind under a common government united. Enormous megatown centers serve now as new homeland of humans.

But 7 megacompanies exercise true power. They control the Wastelands outside of these overcrowded megatown centers. There outside you express your own right. In these deserts the world government has no more influence. Here the right of the companies, the right of the strong ones over the weak ones applies.

For the illegal orders of these megacompanies so-called Freelancer (former and mercenaries discharged by the society) is recruited. And such Freelancer are you.

The end time heroes
But before you you into the fight against Mutanten, Cyborgs and other fiese monsters go can, must select you you 1 of 4 hero characters.

This bang-hard mercenary was in former times a former commander of a special-purpose force, which fought on behalf of the government against the power of the companies. After this unit for dubious reasons was dissolved, the last sparks hope expired to a better world into it is it a Freelancer now and fights for money.
Johnson falls back in the fight against the Mutantenplage gladly to shotguns, machine guns and pistols. It is also the only character that with the thick plasma and flame throwers to deal can.

Victoria Williams
Victoria was kidnapped by the megacompany "Oxygenetic" in your fruehsten childhood, since she had as only humans psionische abilities. This wanted to naturally use the company make and underwent it of numerous tests. But you succeeded the escape and strike ourselves are alone by the life. But the entfuehrung forgot you and which it was done never and on the hunt for the responsible persons will make itself.

Kenji Takahasi
The close fighter among our heroes. Born as a son one of the most powerful men of the Yakuza. Already as a child it was informed in the sword fight. With such a sword fight it killed its father. Since then it is on the escape before the Yakuza, which want to raechen the death of the father.
Kenji can use close-range weapons as an only character. Also only it is at one time to be used in a the position of two pistols.

Jessica Parker
The high-talented Jessica buildup as part of the oberschicht and a ensure-free life in prosperity could actually. But this did not want you. In order to escape from the sterile perfection of your parents' house, fled you into the Cyberspace. There you a group of hackers learned to know and began off there it to become criminal. It was only one question of the time, until it was condemned to a lifelong imprisonment. But you succeeded the escape from the prison with the help of a reprogrammed
Awake robot. Since then it are a Freelancerin.

Mutanten hunt begins
Have you you one of the hero characters select begins also the play. You arrive in a small city. Here there is among other things, credit lyra, a Waffenhaendlerin and a physician.

With the Waffenhaendlerin can buy and sell her weapons, improve your weapons and make some modifications. All of this costs naturally a bar money and comes here the clients into the play. A certain Mr. Jones supplies you with tasks of the Hauptquest, these brings you by the actual play. In addition, innumerable Nebenquests wants to be mastered, these finds one with another client.

All missions you in this play to fulfill must run after and the same principle off. If one decided for a main or a Nebenquest mission, one flies directly with a glider to the mission.
Are enough and nervige marches, like in Sacred, are not here necessary.
If one arrived in the target area, one may loose-put merrily. As in Sacred or Diablo you schnetzelt you by innumerable hordes/hurdles of enemies. These let many Items, which can use or after completion of the mission in the city sell you for you fall also gladly.
After successful fulfilment of the goals, how eliminate a goal person, Mutanten eliminate, certain crates find or whole factories the ground make equal, it into the city are returned automatically.

For each killed Mutanten, Cyborg and monster you receive points of experience, these can it after a Level'up into different abilities of your hero invest.
Thus one continues to develop its character always and improves its abilities.

Hollywood holds introduction
The developer team decided for a 2D-Grafik for the play. This was not converted further badly, there the landscapes, opponents and level mechanisms is very detailed. Also the substantial light and weather effects succeeded very much. Unfortunately the landscapes repeat themselves such as deserts, factory and bunkers simply too frequently. It lacks alternations.
But it gives neither in the music under painting nor with numerous sound effects somewhat too meckern. Here master Creating drives completely thick cannons. The completely spoken dialogues of our heroes are with the original voices of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Angelina Jolie, Alicia Silverstone and jet left synchronize this contribute very much to the ingenious atmosphere of Restrictred AREA.

In addition, the Story does not come in this play too briefly. In the opposite, which packing history around betrayal, plots and Mutanten in to cinema-mature intermediate sequences told.

My result:
Insanity... comes here the long-longed alternation to the act ion games of roles Diablo and Sacred. Conclusion with the Fantasy Middle Ages Sezenario and welcomely in the dark end time. After one niedergemetzelt now enough Orks, Goblins and malicious Daemonen, it became also times time for a erfrischendes new scenario in the Action RPG category.
Restrictred AREA inspired and any longer again did not release me from first to the last minute. The addicted-making play principle, how I am used to it from the Diablo row, packed me also here immediately. Actionreiche of fights with high speed.

Also completely large praise goes to the Story of the play, which is gotten going with numerous intermediate sequences. Wonderful!

Unfortunately there are also some points which one somewhat better would have converted can. I would have wished myself substantially more alternation in the landscapes. Always the the same shelter and manufacturing plants of Mutanten clean are in the long term somewhat monotonous. Also still some nose the play happening disturbs. So I could hunt opponents with my flame thrower despite the newest update by the wall. Also some Mutanten remained hanging simply on the tueroeffnungen. But like I young from master the Creating know, you also these small errors will still repair.

But there is nothing at all at the sound and at the outstanding control purely too meckern. Here the developers made everything correct.
[ André Capteyn - 15.11.2004 ]

Play passport: 84%
The play is for each act ion role player an obligation purchase
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

You suck, Nic D:
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Haha you're still not there yet
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Post by Subhuman »

No, Babelfish sucks.
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Post by Koki »

This game sucks! It's sounds like FO:BOS, just with Jessica Parker.
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Post by Blargh »

I remain hopeful that it will actually be an enjoyable game. :drunk:
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