Fuck The South

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Joined: Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:11 pm

Post by Blargh »

airsoft guy wrote:Everyone is a tool, no matter what you do. You can't really stop it.
. . . GROUP HUG !!1? Okay, no. Let us celebrate our undeniable toolishness in silence then. A vigil !
airsoft guy wrote:Local officials have far more bearing on what goes on, that's where I vote mostly for Libertarian candidates.
A conscientious arsehole ! I am shocked ! Nonetheless, you've a point. But then, so did I. Woo yay. I hope your . . . decisions work out for you.

Misunderstanding ? Perhaps. Makes things fun, I think.
airsoft guy wrote:Besides, I didn't much like Howard anyway, he seems like an asshat.
Understatement perhaps, but I can appreciate the sentiment.

MurPHy - Seems 'twas I who hurdled the firearm, ah well. Your elaboration is certainly appreciated. It's usually easier to take direct action against the locals too . . less security to worry about.

Now, where'd that paint stripper get to ? :drunk:
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