Elton John.

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Elton John.

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I have to go to his concert in OKC on March 15. And by have to, I mean have to. It's not like I really like Elton John (his old stuff kicks ass)..But my woman's dad got us tickets for free (because he's a big muckity-muck with the OKCPD) when usually it would cost $480 for these tickets.

Anyone else been forced to go to a concert they don't really care about?

As March nears, am I going to become a fan, and actually want to go?

I'm just not sure how this works.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

I went to a fucking Korn show once. But it was actually pretty good.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

I had to go to some country western tour concert awhile back. I forget the names of the dickweeds who played, but it was terrible. The most fun I had was when I went to the concession stand and pisser, because I could barely hear the music.
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Post by Sovy Kurosei »

A country band?

Now that is something we can do without.

And crap. I mean rap, yeah.
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Post by King of Creation »


Jesus H Christ.
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Post by axelgreese »

You got to have the big bucks if you want to hang in Oklahoma City. :chew:
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Post by Dan »

Anyone else been forced to go to a concert they don't really care about?
No, I have my freedom.

For almost two months from today.
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I went to a N'sync concert cause we got free tickets from this rich family and they were for booth seats. The lameduck in the group who got no attention looked over at us and I fliped him off, it was awesome.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

What would Elton do if I flipped him off? Isn't he a knight? Would he come at me with a broad sword and chop off my arms?
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Post by Arjuna »

No, he'll probably think your being sexually suggestive and will ask you out on a date.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

He'll give you a ring and lend you his house in Venice.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

So far this sounds pretty positive. I'm gonna have to flip him off. It's a win-win situation. He gets some mad Ryno sex, I get a house for a few days, and the ability to say: "Yeah, so the other day I banged Elton John."
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

But do you REALLY want to bang Elton John? He'll probably bang you also in return.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

ExtremeRyno wrote:So far this sounds pretty positive. I'm gonna have to flip him off. It's a win-win situation. He gets some mad Ryno sex, I get a house for a few days, and the ability to say: "Yeah, so the other day I banged Elton John."
Yeah, but on the negative side, you'd have fucked Elton John.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I'd fuck anyone with enough money to buy me. Even Elton John. I remember when rock was young.
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