Project Phoenix rises from the ashes

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Mr. Teatime
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Project Phoenix rises from the ashes

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

It sort of does. For those of you who don't know, <b>Project Phoenix</b> was an ambitious, independent post-apocalyptic RPG being developed by <b>EvoG</b> and his team for many years. <b>EvoG</b> has <a href=" ... 3">dropped by our forums</a> and given an update: <b>Project Phoenix</b> is currently on hold in favour of a more compact post-apocalyptic game.<blockquote><i>Well fine... the orginal PP as we all talked about it is on the back burner and we're going with a much smaller game in the hopes of being able to self fund it through to completion rather than fish for funding. A rather dumb-ass acquaintance led us down a path we thought WAS towards private funding and it turned out the person WAS interested in software, just not games. hammer
<br>SO...yea nothing yet but we're still staying in the genre and hoping for a 15 - 20 hour experience we can complete in about a year. Since you guys seem to be up and running now here anyway, I'll of course keep you abreast of developement WHEN there's something substantial.
<br>Same everything more or less just more compact. Shorter play time, tighter character development and less 'tactical' combat. The logic there is if you guys wanted a tactical combat game, you'd be playing SS or JA ad nauseum, and though I personally love tact. games, they also can drag on and on. So instead of dedicating my time to an insanely complex tact game, I'm spending that time on everything else, not too different from PP, just descoped. In other words, less complex combat ( from a tactics POV ) and pretty much the same execution in story and out-of-combat gameplay( dialogue and world/object interaction ), just shorter.</i></blockquote>I don't think there's a webpage associated with this new project yet - it's possible we'll be hosting it on DAC like we did with <b>Project Phoenix</b>. Either way, hopefully this project will come to fruition.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

I say it sounds pretty good, and much more realist than the original PP. Combat isn't that important in an RPG, IMHO. FO's combat was simple and satisfying.
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Post by Megatron »

I'm still looking forward to it, SIEG HEIL!

Did you ask for permission to post his post in the news since its public and everything. I hope you have some jounralistic integrity teatime :(

Post by Kashluk »

I'm holding my breath already.
Read my lips: Do I look like I'm joking?

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