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King of Creation
Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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Joined: Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:00 pm

Mod Updates

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[Mod -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... e=Warriors of the Apocalypse">Mod: Warriors of the Apocalypse</a> | More info on <a href=" ... tle=Zombie Panic (Half-Life)">Mod: Zombie Panic (Half-Life)</a>

There are a couple of new Mod updates. First off, the <a href="">Warriors of the Apocalypse</a> mod for <strong>Half Life 2</strong> is progressing nicely.<blockquote><em>Full speed ahead!

Aside from some UV mapping issues I've been experiencing, the mod is
moving along nicely now. We have various elements of the game coded
now, most noteably the team selection menu and inventory. The inventory
isn't completly done, nor is anything else, but we're off to a good
start. Once we have the drag and drop fully coded I'll see about giving
you guys some mouth watering screenshots. :D

Oh, and now guns jam, and have their own jamming/unjamming
animations. The frequency of jamming will vary depending on the gun (A
tec 9 would jam more than a .44 anaconda obviously) and also depending
on the ammunition. JHP is a bad idea in some guns, especially full auto
ones, so stick with FMJ if you want reliability.

We'll see about getting a video of the astra in-action possibly. Still need more skinners, help us out :D</em></blockquote>

There is also a <strong>Half Life</strong> mod called <a href="">Zombie Panic</a> that has escaped our radar up to this point. The idea behind this mod is actually pretty clever.<blockquote><em>The
basic idea of the mod is straight out of many different horror films:
Zombies are coming for the last remaining humans, and the humans must
fight them off as best they can. The way it works is this:

Everyone joins a server, say 10 people. All of the players but one
join the Survivors team, which is the humans. The remaining player
joins the Zombie team. His goal is to kill all of the humans. The
humans' goal, of course, is to stay alive as long as possible. The
catch is that everytime a zombie is killed, he simply respawns and
continues to play. If a human is killed, he respawns as a Zombie on the
Zombie team. Soon, more and more humans have joined the ranks of the
zombies, until there is only one human left, facing all of the zombies
alone. When the last human dies, the round is over.

That is the gameplay in a nutshell</em></blockquote>A recent
update to the site reveals that while still patching their current
project, the team is also well underway on an updated <strong>Source</strong> version of their mod. Looks pretty good.
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