<strong>[ -> Interview]</strong>
You can read a <a href="http://articles.filefront.com/Metalhear ... Metalheart Q&A at FileFront</a>, if you're that way inclined. There appear to be some new screenshots as well.<blockquote><i><b>Q: If you had to design your own space suit, would you include nipples on the outside?</b>
<br>A: I myself would design at least a dozen different models, from the most sexy one – for female characters, as shameless as possible, with say transparent parts not only on a helmet – to some esthetic model with vanguard proportions and forms that would be unique and fabulously expensive.</i></blockquote>Message to <a href="http://www.filefront.com">FileFront</a>: you're not funny.
<br><BR>Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.homelanfed.com">HomeLAN Fed</A>