Shattered Oasis still alive

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Mr. Teatime
Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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Shattered Oasis still alive

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Mod -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... =Shattered Oasis">Mod: Shattered Oasis</a>

It seems traditional for these mods to be silent for a few months and
then make a post saying they're not dead. Not bucking the tradition is
the <a href="">Shattered Oasis</a> mod. The development team also send out a request for a new coder.<blockquote><em> We apologize for the lack of updates but SO is still alive!

Right now we're focusing our resources on finishing up the next version
of Shattered Oasis. We, at the moment, have 3 mappers, 1 skinner and 2
modellers active and need a coder to help in creating a new gametype
with some of our new assets and will .....</em></blockquote>Whilst you're waiting for <a href="">Shattered Oasis</a> to get a release, go and get the <a href="">Brain Bread</a> <em>Half Life</em> mod.
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