Site stuff

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Mr. Teatime
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Site stuff

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

I imagine quite a few people are wondering what's happened to all the
content we had on DAC a week ago. Basically, it's coming back, but the
new code we're using isn't fully implemented yet.

We also wanted to cut down the menu bar on the right, hence the absence of any reference to <em>Fallout </em>or its sequel. That's coming back too, but it will take a couple of days.

We had to roll out this new code when we switched servers, essentially
because the old code wouldn't work on the new server. It was apparently
a security issue, or something. <strong>DarkUnderlord</strong> can tell you
more. And you may have seen some of the potential of these new systems
in news posts and so on (the way items in the database are linked to in forum news
posts is an example of this). <strong>DarkUnderlord</strong>
deserves all the credit for this new code, as he's done it
single-handedly, apart from the Latvian child labourers he has helping
him and that he uses for special services late at night.

The next system that will be up and running in a day or so is the new
content system. And we'll be celebrating that system coming online with
some... new content that many of you may be interested in.

So basically, <strong>DON'T PANIC</strong>, and whilst you're waiting, <a href=" ... =10579">go to this thread</a> and tell us why you like DAC.

<strong>UPDATE</strong>: Something I should also mention is, we're always looking
for people who can help out with the running of the site. No, we've got
enough moderators for now, thanks. But if you're good with
coding/scripting, or graphics, or feel you could maintain part of DAC
(eg. the <em>Fallout 3 </em>part of the site with info as it becomes available, or the <em>FO: Tactics</em> modding part of the site, or whatever), then email me at <a href=""></a>, or send me a PM.
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Re: Site stuff

Post by King of Creation »

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Re: Site stuff

Post by S4ur0n27 »

TEATIME!!! wrote:with some... new content that many of you may be interested in.
OH NOES, not a Feargus the dinosaur interview D:
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Post by Megatron »

perhaps a movie page that has been 'coming soon' since the site moved from gamespy :chew:
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Post by Alexander »

Megatron wrote:perhaps a movie page that has been 'coming soon' since the site moved from gamespy :chew:
Why did the site move from gamespy?
There are no 'knowns'. There are thing we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say well that's basically what we see as the situation, that is really only the known knowns and the known unknowns. And each year, we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns.
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Post by Megatron »

killzig was removed as admin for posting news about fobos, so they got bored with gamespy controlling the site and moved. I think.
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

... and then we got bored with Killzig and threw him off. One day, I hope to be thrown off too.

Just a note that those of you who were having problems with the width of the page and the heading images stuffed up, they *should* be fixed now. The template should also be a wee bit better, without giant text anywhere.
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