Another Hitchhiker's Guide review

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Mr. Teatime
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Another Hitchhiker's Guide review

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[ Film & TV -> Review ]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... ?title=The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy">Film & TV: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</a>

You can read <a href="">Freeze Dried Movie's review</a> of <a href="">The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film</a> by clicking here.

The movie started strong and continued to hold pace through the rest of
the film, which is a rarity now days. A large portion of the film was
just how I imagined it in the book, especially the Improbability Drive.
The overall design of the film was very inspired and kept the
irreverent tone of the books without becoming outlandish or out-right
silly. I've seen some complaints about the film's design and FX, it
seems some people forgot we were watching a work print, yes some of the
FX look a little iffy, but that's because it's not done yet. So yes,
things like Zaphod's third arm and second head looked a bit out of
place, but when it's finished and all slicked out it'll look fine. Even
with the unfinished FX they did a good job mixing models & men in
suits with CGI, there was nothing I saw that was out of place at all.
All roughness aside the FX worked well, the costumes were great, and
the creature design was wonderful! I love the way the Vogon's look in
this, maintaining some elements of the BBC mini while doing something
new with it.


The review is very positive, especially considering its the first cut of
the film that all these reviews are based on. I'm looking forward to watching the movie now. When I first
heard about it, I was extremely skeptical.
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