<strong>[Mod -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... attlefield: Apocalypse">Mod: Battlefield: Apocalypse</a> | More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... =DeathRace 2004 (Unreal Tournament 2004)">Mod: DeathRace 2004 (Unreal Tournament 2004)</a>
There have been updates to two interesting post-apocalyptic mods. Firstly <a href="http://www.apocalypse.doomlab.com/">Battlefield: Apocalypse</a> has had an update that includes some <a href="http://www.apocalypse.doomlab.com/modul ... enshots</a>, and more interestingly, a <a href="http://www.apocalypse.doomlab.com/modul ... =4">teaser video (97 MB)</a>.
The second mod is the Deathrace 2000/Carmageddon remake <a href="http://www.toxic-ragers.co.uk/dr/">Deathrace</a>. This one looked interesting, however it appears The Man has been hassling them.
<blockquote><em>Due too... let's say "bandwidth" issues... actually, let's say
potential "getting sued for copyright infringement" issues all the
images on the site have been taken down. Due to the current environment
of large, wealthy corporations suing the little-man we're taking
DeathRace in a slightly new direction. Don't worry though! The gameplay
you know and love will still be there, it'll just look different. Until
we've redesigned the primary car there will be no images on the site.
Hang in there chaps, we should have something for you to look at soon.</em>
Hopefully this won't kill the mod, as it looked interesting. I'm torn
on this intellectual property issue. It is petty of the corporations to
go after groups like this, but it might force the mod's team to be a
bit more creative than ripping the model and textures straight from <em>Carmageddon 3</em>.
A few mod updates
- Mr. Teatime
- Righteous Subjugator
- Posts: 3340
- Joined: Mon May 19, 2003 12:07 pm