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King of Creation
Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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Mod Updates

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[Mod -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... attlefield: Apocalypse">Mod: Battlefield: Apocalypse</a> | More info on <a href=" ... e=Warriors of the Apocalypse">Mod: Warriors of the Apocalypse</a>

are a couple of Mods that were updated yesterday.&#160; First off,
the <a href="">Warriors
of the Apocalypse</a> Mod for <em>Half Life 2</em>
was updated.
<blockquote><em>I skinned the
Glock, and made some progress on the junk cannon, Alec made a new
pistol, a Makarov 9x18, and Ghost skinned and touched up our player

We just need a new coder and another
skinner still.&#160; Ask around for us!</em></blockquote>In addition, they also have some new
screenshots (<a href="">1</a><a href="">2</a><a href="">3</a>)
for your perusal.

<em>Battlefield</em> Mod called <a href="">Battlefield:&#160;
Apocalypse</a> has also been updated.
Here we have several screenshots showing some of the detail that we've
added to our models.
Much of what you see is still work in progress, especially the next
DoomBuggy (aptly named "DoomBuggy 2"), which first appeared in our <a href=" ... id=4">BF:A Developmental Teaser Video</a>. It's rims are still being detailed and the whole model will be given a healthy coat of dirt and grime.


&#160;&#160;&#160; The last pic is a port-a-potty (health locker) that
you have to enter to get healed. It first debuted in the Teaser video
as well.

<a href=" ... =0&thold=0">


&#160;&#160;&#160; If any of you missed it, one of the pics shows the
Statue of Liberty in the background. It's been going through a complete
overhaul and has a long way to go before it will be ready for the mod
(the current texture for it is just temporary)

</em></blockquote>They've also put up a sample <a href=" ... .jpg">load screen</a> at <a href="">BF:A</a>.

Now, given the average mortality rate of Mods, I think it might be safe to say that <a href="">WOTA</a>
probably won't survive.&#160; They've got some nice renders and stuff,
but&#160; I don't think anything has actually been implemented yet in <em>HL2</em>
(if anyone can prove me wrong, please do).&#160; They're in dire need
of competent modders, and if they don't get an influx of them soon,
this Mod may soon die out.&#160; <a href="">BF:A</a>, on the other hand, has got some stuff to show.&#160; It looks fairly promising.&#160; Too bad I don't have <em>Battlefield</em>.
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