Auto Assault previewed again

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Mr. Teatime
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Auto Assault previewed again

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Preview]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... l">Company: NetDevil</a> | More info on <a href=" ... title=Auto Assault">Game: Auto Assault</a>

It looks like <a href="">STALKER</a> has passed on the responsibility of most-previews-per-second to <a href="">Auto Assault</a>: Gamespot is the latest site to write up <a href=" ... tml">their thoughts on the game</a>. They examine the human faction:

Modern humans take every precaution to avoid the effects of "the alien
contamination." Shields cover their towns, vehicles, and personnel.
Clothing design is utilitarian. Due to their purist social nature,
humans revere the human form, and social status is greatly influenced
by physical stature. Genetic engineering and subverted alien technology
have helped the humans fight off the alien contamination, but these
sciences have also produced the side effects of increased strength,
eyesight, agility, and (sometimes) strange mental powers. These traits
are only recognized as proof of the excellence of the pure human
genetic line. Both mutants and biomeks are regarded as vile, disgusting
perverts that revel in misshaping the glorious and perfect human form.
The humans' central and most common belief is that true humanity must
be preserved at any cost.</em>

You can also get your <a href=" ... ge=2">babe in leather fix</a> in <a href=" ... Gamespot's screenshots gallery</a>.
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Strider of the Wastes
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Post by Fez »

What a load of crap to try and justify having the most stupid and impractical leatherwear. She's wearing a big belt, not a skirt. The models are fairly well done, but it doesn't suit the theme at all. Not unless she's resitricted to a brothel bedroom while wearing that.
Don't hate him because he's beautiful.

"Everyone's a girl when they're face down."
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Strider Elite
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Post by Alexander »

For some reason Gamespot decided that this game belongs to the RPG genre...?
There are no 'knowns'. There are thing we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. So when we do the best we can and we pull all this information together, and we then say well that's basically what we see as the situation, that is really only the known knowns and the known unknowns. And each year, we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns.
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