Morrowind modded to post-apocalyptic

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Mr. Teatime
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Morrowind modded to post-apocalyptic

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Mod -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... e=Bethesda Softworks">Company: Bethesda Softworks</a> | More info on <a href=" ... itle=Ashes of Apocalypse (Morrowind)">Mod: Ashes of Apocalypse (Morrowind)</a>

I've heard rumours of this, but it's the first time I've seen the mod itself... <a href="">Ashes of Apocalypse</a> mods <a href="">Morrowind</a> into a post-apocalyptic setting. There's a lengthy update on the mod's progress on <a href="">Morrowind Summit</a>:

<blockquote><em>Hello all!</em>
There is a great deal of new stuff going on at Clone Gaming Studios! </em></p>

<em> For those who are not
yet aware of this futuristic total conversion by the creators of Sea Of
Destiny mod, here is a short summary: Early on in the twenty-first
century the nuclear overcast mankind lived in constant balance with for
nearly 100 years, got unleashed onto the face of the earth. Nations
became so blind with hatred they pulverized the face of our planet with
lies, bribes, false accusations, and their hard set fists. Yet somehow
after all that fallout mankind stumbled out of the ashes into what one
might call, a sort of renascence. Societies rebuilt themselves into
shining metropolitan cities of light and promise. Technological
advancements reached forth from the fables of yesterday into hover
pads, medical regeneration, magnion powered clean generators of
tomorrow and others. ...but nothing lasts forever, and sure enough in
2069 resources ran ever so thin granting an opening to what became
known as the two year Radion Wars.. Countless cities fell under ,
crushed to dust under the heel of radion cluster bombs. With an uneasy
peace reached in 2072 you discover yourself on the boarder of the
Northern California Republic territories. The NCR is fighting to keep
itself afloat in the aftermath of several recently large terrorist
attacks on several of its Barrier cites. Wastelanders cannot be trusted
, and neither the chivalrous seeming Mercenary Guild. The world hangs
together by a string, pick a side, decide the fate of the wastelands!</em></p>

<em> We have gotten a fairly
good team together over the last couple months. All these people have
worked hard together to assemble a total conversion with an entirely
different storyline and 100% custom meshes, models, armor, guns and
vehicles. We do how ever still have many openings in Clone Gaming
Studios. Come apply at our forums. It is a very easy and simple process.</em></p>

<em> Progress is going
smoothly on an awesome cinematic trailer for all to see. It will be
assembled using existing in-game models, as well as in-game recordings
of the progress. As soon as its done the movie will appear in our sites
download section.</em></p>

<em> Decisions have been
made in the leadership to release the first version of Ashes Of
Apocalypse as soon as errors, and bugs are smoothed out. We will be
rolling on open end development, in which the mod will grow through
monthly updates downloadable at our site. Anyone can sign up at our
forums during that time and give us plenty of ideas on what you would
like to see in this total conversion. That feedback in turn will be
evaluated and most likely appear in the game. After all you are the
gamers, shouldn't you have the opportunity to decide what you would
like to see in the gaming world?</em></p>
<em> Lastly our site is now
finished and will be regularly updated with development news pictures,
and lore from the Ashes of Apocalypse world. All of this great stuff
can be found at <a target="_blank" href=" ... >.</em></p>
Sincerely, NukeouT & Clone

It looks interesting, but I've searched their website but can't see one mention of <em>Fallout</em>,
despite the mod appearing to lift the setting - not to mention the town
names - from the game. Maybe it's because... of the copyright issues
involved in using <em>Morrowind Fallout</em> when <a href="">Bethesda</a> is doing that game? I KID, I KID! :D

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Post by Blargh »

I am giddy. GIDDY. I shall watch from afar. :drunk:
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Post by Smiley »

I wonder if they can overcome the ranged weapon issue no one else seemed to be able to solve...
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Post by Retlaw83 »

My first reaction was, "Fallout 3 released so soon?"

My second reaction is that this mod is going to bite, seeing as though the modders don't seem so swift with teh Englese.
"You're going to have a tough time doing that without your head, palooka."
- the Vault Dweller
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