Restricted Area 'review' at Loadedinc

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Mr. Teatime
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Restricted Area 'review' at Loadedinc

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Preview]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... Restricted Area">Game: Restricted Area</a>

<p>There's a new review of the German version of <a href="" target="_self">Restricted Area</a>, the post-apocalyptic <em>Diablo</em>-clone, <a href=" ... tion=part1" target="_self">up at Loadedinc</a>.
Well, it calls itself a review, but reads like a preview - the
'reviewer' doesn't speak any German but played the German version of
the game, which puts some doubts on how reliable the article is.</p>
<p> </p><p align="justify"><em>The environments in Restricted Area are of the 3-D isometric
variety, just like, all together now: Diablo. Only certain items in the
environment are destructible. Much like a Diablo hack-fest, you will be faced
with a swarm of enemies and need to watch your health carefully. Combat is
simple, just click on the creature you wan to kill. Rinse and repeat. The point
and click interface is extremely easy to utilize and the inventory and character
stat screen are equally easy to manage.</em></p>
<p align="justify"><em>As you gain experience, you can improve your characters
attributes and skills. Your inventory is limited by space, so you have to be
picky once you begin to progress. Much like Diablo, you will find a lot of items
that you con not use quite yet, you will want to down the road. The inventory
management screen has a button that will auto arrange your items to maximize
your storage (similar to that found in Dungeon Siege). The paper doll interface
for equipping your alter ego is a snap to use, and opens and closes with the
press of a key. You will be made aware if you advance a level, but you will not
be forced to spend points or stop the action at any time.</em></p><p> </p>
<p> </p><p align="justify">It's more positive than the preview reported yesterday, at least.

</p><p> </p>

Spotted @ <a href="">RPG Dot</a>
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

At least he doesn't say the story and dialogues are good.
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