Omega Syndrome reaches v2.03

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Mr. Teatime
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Omega Syndrome reaches v2.03

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... ?title=The Omega Syndrome">Game: The Omega Syndrome</a> | More info on <a href=" ... Australian Game Developers">Company: Australian Game Developers</a>

<p>The <em>Fallout</em>-inspired shareware RPG <a href="" target="_self">Omega Syndrome</a> has been updated to <a href=" ... meDemo.exe" target="_self">version 2.03</a>. It's a big update, and here are the changes:</p>
<p><em><strong>Behold! OS Has Its Very Own Primary Statistics!</strong>

Strength, Intelligence, Perception, Health, Agility!

<strong>New Rules For Armour!</strong>

Now armour has Damage Resistance only. So it only reduces damage by a
percentage. One more change is planned for armour, but that's for
another update.

<strong>New Damage System!</strong>

The damage system was reworked to make it more realistic.
I wanted armour like Kevlar to work the way it does in real life.
That is it stops very fast moving projectiles like bullets, but slower
moving objects like arrows and knives can go through it.
This way you can have armour that's good for hand to hand combat and
armour that's useful against guns. See the next page for the new damage


Without further ado, the new damage types for combat:

<strong>Impale:</strong> knives (stabbing), crossbow bolts and spears.

<strong>Cut:</strong> knives (slashing), claws and circular saws.

<strong>Crush:</strong> fists, rocks, baseball bats, hammers and snapping jaws.

<strong>Pierce:</strong> bullets, shotgun pellets and explosive fragments.

<strong>Explode:</strong> pressure waves emitted by explosive devices.

<strong>Fire:</strong> Molotov cocktails and fire arrows.

<strong>Laser:</strong> Reptoid heat rays.&nbsp;


<p><em><strong>Turn Based Combat Improved!</strong>

If there are no creatures attacking, you can leave turn based combat by
pressing the Enter key.
This is useful if there are fleeing creatures nearby and you don't want
to bother with them, or if your enemies have lost sight of you and are
searching for you.

<strong>Party Member Selections Restored After Battles!</strong>

The previous state of party member selections are now restored when
turn based combat ends. Now you don't have to reselect the members of
your party at the end of every fight.

<strong>Combat Calculations Shown Combat!</strong>

One of our players asked for combat calculations to be shown during
combat. We thought this was a great idea so they've gone in. You can
switch them on and off in the Preferences Panel.&nbsp;</em>

<p>They've finally gotten rid of SPECIAL and put in their own skill system; I'm not sure if that's good or bad.&nbsp;</p>
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Strider of the Wastes
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Post by Fez »

Well there are some definate improvements there. I don't mind him getting rid of SPECIAL, if it works. At least he can feel it's more his own now.
Don't hate him because he's beautiful.

"Everyone's a girl when they're face down."
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