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The chaps at Gamespot have managed to get their hands on Eric Dallaire (AKA Cabal - you're a champ) - the guy in charge of writing the story for Lionheart - and conducted an interview with him. Lots of interesting information can be found... take this for an example:<blockquote><em><b>GS:</b> We've already heard that some famous real-world historical figures will make an appearance in the game, such as Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci. What other historical figures can we expect to meet in Lionheart? How important will they be to the game's story? <br><br><b>ED:</b> There will be many historical figures in the game, ranging from some very recognizable figures to others of medium to minor historical significance. Nueva Barcelona has become one of the major cultural centers of Europe, attracting many of the brightest minds of the time. You will meet famous scholars, artists, conquistadors, and politicians of the time. One example of someone you could meet from real history is the Duke of Medina Sidonia, the historical commander of the Spanish Armada. If you join the Inquisition and earn the trust of the Inquisitors, you could gain an audience with the Grand Inquisitor himself. In addition to da Vinci and Galileo, you will also be able to meet Machiavelli, the Italian philosopher, and Cervantes, the Spanish author. All these characters are being scripted to reflect their historical personalities in some ways, but they will also be different because of the alternate timeline. The introduction of magic into the world has allowed some of these historical figures to live longer than their real historical counterparts. Also, there are some historical figures you can meet that will give you quests or join you for a time on your journey.</em></blockquote>Read the whole thing <a href="http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/pr ... 11,00.html" target="_blank">over here.</a> And keep your eyes peeled for another Lionheart interview (already in the can) coming this way very soon...