Mod updates!

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Mr. Teatime
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Mod updates!

Post by Mr. Teatime »

<strong>[Mod -> Update]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... itle=Ashes of Apocalypse (Morrowind)">Mod: Ashes of Apocalypse (Morrowind)</a> | More info on <a href=" ... attlefield: Apocalypse">Mod: Battlefield: Apocalypse</a> | More info on <a href=" ... title=Blue Moon Rising">Mod: Blue Moon Rising</a> | More info on <a href=" ... e=Roadkill Warriors">Mod: Roadkill Warriors</a> | More info on <a href=" ... e=Warriors of the Apocalypse">Mod: Warriors of the Apocalypse</a>

<p>For those who want a post-apocalyptic mod fix, look no further than DaC to provide the metaphorical syringe.</p><p>&nbsp;First off, <a href="" target="_self">Battlefield Apocalypse</a> looks to be making loads of progress, I fully expect this mod to get a timely release. <a href="" target="_self">Warriors of the Apocalypse</a> make an announcement every month saying they're not dead, so I guess we'll take their word for it; <a href="" target="_self">Ashes of Apocalypse</a> have some new screenshots so they also seem to be making progress.</p><p>Finally, <a href="" target="_self">Blue Moon Rising</a> now have some music samples you can listen to.</p><p>Looking
at the amount of post-apocalyptic mods in progress, you'd have thought
the genre was pretty popular, and we'd have more PA games in
development. Sigh.&nbsp;</p>
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Post by ApTyp »

We do. Unfortunately, they are all from Germany or former Soviet Union republics, so they suck ass.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

In regards to warriors of the apoclypse. What's up with mod makers and their hard drives getting destroyed? Do these people play Russian Roulette with their computers on a weekly basis or some shit? I dunno, maybe it's just me when I think it's a good idea to maybe burn a CD-RW on regular intervals or anytime a major update is done.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

How do you destroy an hard drive anyway, it never happened to me in like 8 years of using a computer.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

That's strange, you'd have thought that with all the horrible, mutated stuff you keep on your harddrive, it would have attempted electronic suicide ages ago.

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Post by ApTyp »

I've had damaged sectors I couldn't fix on HDD I bought 6 years ago, and I retired it almost immediately. That was last year. Those swell guy aren't men enough to admit they were just too bored/incompetent to finish their mods.
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Post by Nicolai »

My old computer's HD has some bad sectors, but I just format it every once in a while D;
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Mr. Teatime wrote:That's strange, you'd have thought that with all the horrible, mutated stuff you keep on your harddrive, it would have attempted electronic suicide ages ago.

What are you trying to imply? D:
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I've borked about 4 hard drives.
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Post by Spazmo »

My brother and I ruined an HD over about five years by constantly hard rebooting the computer and also just cutting the power instead of going through Windows' shut down thing. We got bad sectors. It was the saddest day of my life, except it ruled because then my parents had to buy us a new, better computer.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Ashmo »

Y'know, the "use Windows' Shutdown option or your computer explodes" thing is a lame excuse Microsoft made up to have something to blame in case Windows "stops" (rather: "continues not") working correctly.

"Oh, so Windows is giving you BSODs and calling you a loser? Well, I guess you didn't shut it down properly, eh? eh? eh?"

Windows 9x had repeatedly been reported to be unable to shut down properly on its own. The only thing that can be caused by cutting off the power is loss of data if you don't save all edited files before doing so, but that's true if WinXP just decides to reboot without asking you too.

Harddisk stability depends on a couple of factors, most of which the end user doesn't have any impact on. I've lost a fresh HDD when my PC's PSU decided to cause a power outage in my appartment and I've lost one by just using it normally (even without "manual" reboots and shutdowns).

Other harddisks have been working for years now and still don't have a single bad sector.

"My harddisk crashed with all the data" sounds an awful lot like a "my dog ate my homework" type of excuse for a programmer.
Apart from my pr0n stash and emails all the important stuff I have is stored in more than one place. ESPECIALLY stuff I'm working on or earn money with.

The only thing I lost via a harddisk crash (caused by said PSU-inflicted power outage when I tried to wire up a seventh IDE medium to my Windows b0xxen) was said pr0n stash. Now, 120 GB of porn aren't something you don't care about losing, but at least they're not that important or irreplacable.
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