<strong>[ Game -> Update ]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://wikipocalypse.duckandcover.cx/in ... Australian Game Developers">Company: Australian Game Developers</a>
<p><a href="http://www.ausgamedev.com/news.html">Omega
Syndrome</a>, the indie RPG, has been updated to <a href="http://www.ausgamedev.com/omegasyndrome ... e">version
2.11</a> with some interesting changes:</p><p> </p><blockquote><strong><em>Improved Creature AI!</em></strong>
Creatures can now flee when they've lost too many hit points, or have been crippled.
All creatures have their own "to hit" value at which they prefer to attack.
Creatures now make complaints about the area that is hit on their bodies, when they suffer critical hits.
Combat taunts are greatly improved and foul language has been added to increase realism.<p> </p><p><strong><em>Tweaks And Improvements!</em></strong>
1) The traits rules have been altered, so you can choose between 0 and 2 traits at creation time.
2) Ammunition bricks will now "auto-stack", so the inventory won't be filled up with partially empty bricks.
3) All ammunition bricks have been given a weight value, so you can no longer carry unlimited amounts.
4) A "Get All" button was added to the loot screen, so you can take
items from corpses, containers and the ground, with a single click.
5) The number of Action Points due to Agility, that are awarded at creation time have been increased.
6) All of the creatures have been given fewer hit points, so the game won't be quite so hard to play.</p></blockquote>Once again the updates don't disappoint. Your old saved games are not compatible with this version, though.
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