Star Trek Or Star Wars?

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Star Trek or Star Wars

Star Wars ( jar jar is a taliban though )
Star Trek (I'll launch a photon torpedo up ur arse!)
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Post by Knight »

Well than, ugh...dammit out of blaster cells...
Well than, we have alot more beautiful planets than you do? Huh, do you guys have jungle worlds? What about water worlds?
:painting: -
The suncrusher is a indestructible vessel capable of blowing up a planets sun or even nubulae. Good bye. :roll:
A black hole sucks in light and energy. Byebye Q I hope you enjoy your trip. :twisted:
"The new world is a dangerous place." - Knight
Mastar Singularity
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Post by Mastar Singularity »

Well than, we have alot more beautiful planets than you do? Huh, do you guys have jungle worlds? What about water worlds?
Planets don't win wars. And genesis torpedo will make them even more beautiful :)
The suncrusher is a indestructible vessel capable of blowing up a planets sun or even nubulae. Good bye.
Indestructible? Hah. Even if I take your word for that, Q will crush it into an infinite density with nebula gas.
A black hole sucks in light and energy. Byebye Q I hope you enjoy your trip.
You do realize, of course, that this is a guy who can create/destroy black holes?
Actually, it was a Super Star Destroyer running into the partially completed Death Star II, b/c of the fact their bridge deflector shields were down and an A-wing rammed into the bridge, therefore cutting off much of the primary controls and command crew from life. I'm sure if the same happend to the bridge of a federation ship, it would do the same thing.
Do you know you've just reproved my point about why Star Destroyers are so easy to destroy?

Step 1) Blow up bridge deflector shields (and before you say anything they're sitting out there in the open)
Step 2) Target bridge
Step 3) Step aside as the SD blows up
You are an idiot to think shields can protect some one who wears them form physical damage! Your red-shirt-homo-ensign will be running around on fire right now!
Believe it or not, shields will protect from anything, not just energy. The Milennium Falcon's shields did not protect it from asteroids, but Star Trek's ships do....gahahahhahahahaa another point for us.
True about lasers, but the shields can't withstand a few concussion missiles or any sort of projectiles a squadron of x-wings, a-wings, b-wings or y-wings would happen to be carrying. .
A few? You'd need at least as many torpedoes as Star Trek needs photons to blow up a starship.

Phasers will cut the fighters off easily. And most of all, you can mass-transport the pilots of the fighters, leaving them without guidance. Before you ask, since the shields are too crappy to stop even simple enemy firepower, I doubt that they can block high-tech transporters.
Also, the Ion cannons would pound down those shields pretty quickly. Then once down, would ravage the federation ships systems. Score one point, star wars guys
One phaser shot, the ion cannon goes down. If need be, take a shuttle. If there is more need, the higher-tech starships can fly down to the planet's surface and alight the ion cannon station with fire/vaporization.
Which btw, Theories aren't factual.
Yes, and the force is definitely not factual. Nor is ships flying around with that little propulsion, nor is sound in we cut that all out? I personally doubt it.
Actually, it was a Super Star Destroyer running into the partially completed Death Star II, b/c of the fact their bridge deflector shields were down and an A-wing rammed into the bridge, therefore cutting off much of the primary controls and command crew from life. I'm sure if the same happend to the bridge of a federation ship, it would do the same thing.
Unfortunately, since a starship, unlike a Star Destroyer, does not have shield generators sticking out with a paper sign of "Hit me," you can not specifically "take down the bridge deflector shields," then "ram an A-wing into the bridge," it just does not work that way.
Either that or a slicer could hack into the borg computer and just insert a virus.
Goodluck in that. It took a massively complicated android (unlike SW crappy ones) and a system flaw to be able to get anything hacked against the Borg. If this were ID4 you're dealing with, maybe, but Star Trek is a lot more.
Anybody can use the internet, Television programs or magazines and periodicals to come up with some of the semi-scientific theories and retorts that you did.
Theories? What theories did we "create?" Cough, if you think those were theories, you must be pretty easy on the "facts." We're debating a "Given," before it's asked.
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Post by Knight »

Ahem? We are talking about the entire universe of Star Wars...not just the military portion. Yeah we have the best beautiful and unique planets out there. Also unique races as well.
Superior beings of pure energy? When these beings came out did they facinate viewers an readers with thier cosmic power? No, it made them feel that the human race was inferior to them. Yeah, that's it...simply inferior. At least SWs inspired that bantha fodder boy!
Energy can be affected and altered. If Q is made of energy therefore he can be altered or affected. Especially be devices beyond the realm of ST. Who knows the effect a blaster can do to the all powerful Q.
If Q can make things go away with a thought and all...can he make a stormtrooper go away without seeing him or hearing him first. No, he all. So if a single blaster shot gets him, and that blaster shot might be at a different level of uniqueness from the SW universe. Q will dissapear.
In ST: The Next Generation...a couple who were Qs died when a tornado hitted them on the spot. If they had cosmic powers capable of sensing the doom to come they would have avoided it. But know they couldn't because they did not hear or see it. This means if Q turns his back and a thousand blaster shots fire at him without warning...he's some special overkill.
About the black hole. What do you think happens when he thinks himself onto the Enterprise and there is blackhole in front of the ship and its has already entered the hole? He gets sucked in with it unless his last thought would have been to transport to Risa [that planet suckz hehehe]. But Q would be too surprised by the impending doom and at the next thing he knows he is crushed by his own creation to mingle with the energies of the Enterprise and all at the center of the blackhole. Very ironic is it not?
The sun crusher is made out of quantum armor which is indestructible. Period. Very packed together molecules. You can even fly it into the sun. Do you have any ships that are almost indestructible and can fly into the sun.
At least when our ships explode they go off in a large nuclear shock wave. Some of them do.
So what if the Enterprise is faster than a lumbering SD. Turbo laser fire will to enough damage and take out your nacelles! If the Turbo lasers don't do it, the Yugovaslov will. Thier small fighters will fly along side your ships and suck the energy out with black holes!
I haven't seen your shields protect anyone except in a structure or ship. Did it protect them in a phaser battle? No! Did it protect them when they fell over to kiss thier ass? No! Did it protect the blind guy when he fell into the mud pit? NO!
It's like you Trekkies worship Q as a god and cannot except the fact that it can be defeated despite its cosmic powers. Like I said, nothing is impossible unless you try.
Fly down and vaporize the ion cannons? I don't think so. I have not seen any starships that big get down that low. Besides very powerful land based deffences will turn your ships into scrap heaps! Have you seen land based deffences in ST series? Are you going to tell me now that you have a Q to will away all your problems. Q can kiss my behind!
Your nacelles should glow red instead of blue because they seem to be saying: "Hit me! HIT MEEEE!"
Since when is Borg programming complicated, huh? The Borg computer systems were never to designed to withstand a beating from a expert hacker because they never encountered one before. Maybe you were just lucky and had a giant android brain that had the speed of 3 megs of ram! The Borg programming must be very simple for having a collective consiouness.
We have better props and computer graphics. Yours always stink. Example, those phasers remind me of hand vacumns. Wait a minute! It is a hand vacumn!
You want to bring Star Ship Troopers into this eh? They have giant rings that encircle moons!
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Post by n305er »

:lol: This is getting us no where!
Mastar Singularity
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Post by Mastar Singularity »

The entire universe? Star trek people are not going to sit down and say "ooohh that's beautiful, you win." No, they're going to get their genesis torpedoes and bombard the planet...doh doh...
Energy can be affected and altered. If Q is made of energy therefore he can be altered or affected. Especially be devices beyond the realm of ST. Who knows the effect a blaster can do to the all powerful Q.
I know. The grand canyon can be altered by a bullet too.

BOOM! Ching!

Now how much did that alter it, may I ask?

Who knows the effect a gun can do to the all powerful grand canyon.
About the black hole. What do you think happens when he thinks himself onto the Enterprise and there is blackhole in front of the ship and its has already entered the hole? He gets sucked in with it unless his last thought would have been to transport to Risa [that planet suckz hehehe]. But Q would be too surprised by the impending doom and at the next thing he knows he is crushed by his own creation to mingle with the energies of the Enterprise and all at the center of the blackhole. Very ironic is it not?
Q snaps his fingers.

The blackhole never existed.

Ya. Very ironic.
The sun crusher is made out of quantum armor which is indestructible. Period. Very packed together molecules. You can even fly it into the sun. Do you have any ships that are almost indestructible and can fly into the sun.
Starships with a specific type of shield can travel into the sun, so I guess so.

I must say, however. Your packed together molecules are going to have a big problem against antimatter. Photon torpedo > Quantum armor.
At least when our ships explode they go off in a large nuclear shock wave. Some of them do.
So your imperial/republic designers design their ships so that they'd explode in a bunch of fireworks? At least Star Trek people didn't waste time with that, and rather worked making good technology...another point for ST.
So what if the Enterprise is faster than a lumbering SD. Turbo laser fire will to enough damage and take out your nacelles! If the Turbo lasers don't do it, the Yugovaslov will. Thier small fighters will fly along side your ships and suck the energy out with black holes!
OOOHHH I've finally figured out wtf the Yugovaslov are...Yuuzhang Vong? Laff. Those peeps will get destroyed by multiple swivelling phasers + multiple torpedoes. Already proven that in your own star wars. Plus is the fact that their propulsion and black holes are one and the same system, so therefore to "suck the energy out," they'd have to be running straight toward the shields. BOOM! Craft impacts on 10000 watt forcefields and fries.
I haven't seen your shields protect anyone except in a structure or ship. Did it protect them in a phaser battle? No! Did it protect them when they fell over to kiss thier ass? No! Did it protect the blind guy when he fell into the mud pit? NO!
Nor did I. Who the hell said this? You?

With the exception of the Borg, of course. And I can't seem to remember any time when shields protected SW troops. Not even Darth Vader had them...this discussion is therefore pointless, except for the Borg, which scores us another point.
It's like you Trekkies worship Q as a god and cannot except the fact that it can be defeated despite its cosmic powers. Like I said, nothing is impossible unless you try.
Oh gawd, you worship the Force and Jedi like a religion, and they can be defeated in many ways we've already stated, unlike your crappy ones (blaster? hahahaha, pathetic.).
Your nacelles should glow red instead of blue because they seem to be saying: "Hit me! HIT MEEEE!"
Those nacelles are not shield generators, and even if they were you could not target them until the shields were gone (with the exception of early star treks). And as was stated before, nacelles are not essencial. Shield generators are.

This is a worthless argument, such as saying "OH NO, THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR SHIP IS CRYING 'HIT ME!'" Doh, it's outside, and it's not a shield generator.
Since when is Borg programming complicated, huh? The Borg computer systems were never to designed to withstand a beating from a expert hacker because they never encountered one before. Maybe you were just lucky and had a giant android brain that had the speed of 3 megs of ram! The Borg programming must be very simple for having a collective consiouness.
You think that a robot with a computing speed like Data has 3 megabytes of ram? I laugh at you. Data has a lot, lot more, and it takes a lot, lot more to defeat the Borg, and that was through a flaw in their programming. A hacker? With hardly any capacity? Many millions and millions of bits of interlocking code? "G'luck" is all I've to say.
You want to bring Star Ship Troopers into this eh? They have giant rings that encircle moons!
Ummm...this is Star Trek vs Star Wars. I don't know why you brought Babylon 5 into this, and I further don't know why you're doing the same with Star Ship Troopers.
Teh l0554r
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Post by Mastar Singularity »

This is getting us no where!
Yes, I know. Knight is bringing up worthless disproven arguments and possible spam.
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Post by DansingMungki »

Space 1999 is superior to both Star Trek and Star Wars and you all know it!
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Knight wrote:Ahem? We are talking about the entire universe of Star Wars...not just the military portion. Yeah we have the best beautiful and unique planets out there. Also unique races as well.
You mean like Tattooine? The big ball of sand? Or Hoth? The big ball of Ice? How about the planet where Yoda lived? Swampworld? How about that planet in Episode 2 where the clones were made? Waterworld?

See a trend?
Superior beings of pure energy? When these beings came out did they facinate viewers an readers with thier cosmic power? No, it made them feel that the human race was inferior to them. Yeah, that's it...simply inferior. At least SWs inspired that bantha fodder boy!
Then there's the pacifist Organians, who were also energy based. They stepped in to prevent a war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

Then again, in case you hadn't noticed, Q always steps in to help the Federation. He just does it in an annoying manner.
Energy can be affected and altered. If Q is made of energy therefore he can be altered or affected. Especially be devices beyond the realm of ST. Who knows the effect a blaster can do to the all powerful Q.
Except that Q can alter the laws of physics on a whim. Huzzah, your blasters now shoot flowers.
If Q can make things go away with a thought and all...can he make a stormtrooper go away without seeing him or hearing him first. No, he all. So if a single blaster shot gets him, and that blaster shot might be at a different level of uniqueness from the SW universe. Q will dissapear.
Actually, he can. How do you think he can constantly find Picard, Janeway, Sisko, and all the other captains he just wants to interact with when he wants?
In ST: The Next Generation...a couple who were Qs died when a tornado hitted them on the spot. If they had cosmic powers capable of sensing the doom to come they would have avoided it. But know they couldn't because they did not hear or see it. This means if Q turns his back and a thousand blaster shots fire at him without warning...he's some special overkill.
Those Q, who had the child, renounced their powers and made themselves human.
About the black hole. What do you think happens when he thinks himself onto the Enterprise and there is blackhole in front of the ship and its has already entered the hole? He gets sucked in with it unless his last thought would have been to transport to Risa [that planet suckz hehehe]. But Q would be too surprised by the impending doom and at the next thing he knows he is crushed by his own creation to mingle with the energies of the Enterprise and all at the center of the blackhole. Very ironic is it not?
Except that the Q would survive, not having any tangable matter.
The sun crusher is made out of quantum armor which is indestructible. Period. Very packed together molecules. You can even fly it into the sun. Do you have any ships that are almost indestructible and can fly into the sun.
Which goes back to Star Wars not having any physics basis. If the armor is based on tightly packed matter that can't be destroyed by anything material, we're talking something that's more dense than a singularity. The gravity around such a thing would be much worse than your average black hole, thus being impossible to make, impossible to store, and impossible to fire. Heck, they couldn't even be as dense as Neutron Star matter, with a density of 100 million tons per cubic centimeter.

So, naturally, tightly packed molecules won't cut it for them to be "indestructible."

And even then, antimatter would wipe that armor out because it's still matter. Just bombard it with anti-protons and watch it go BOOM because the antiprotons would be destroying every little proton in all those tightly packed molecules. In fact, because they're tightly packed, that'd just make the chain reaction faster.
So what if the Enterprise is faster than a lumbering SD. Turbo laser fire will to enough damage and take out your nacelles! If the Turbo lasers don't do it, the Yugovaslov will. Thier small fighters will fly along side your ships and suck the energy out with black holes!
It makes a huge difference. Lasers go the speed of light, Star Trek ships can travel many, many times faster than the speed of light - and can maintain that speed for a long, long time and can even fire at those speeds. The result would be Turbo Lasers which would never be able to hit a Federation ship because they're significantly slower than their target.

Even if Turbo Lasers did hit a Federation ship, it wouldn't make any difference because lasers are ineffective against Star Trek shields, all the way back to Kirk's time.
I haven't seen your shields protect anyone except in a structure or ship. Did it protect them in a phaser battle? No! Did it protect them when they fell over to kiss thier ass? No! Did it protect the blind guy when he fell into the mud pit? NO!
Only the Borg have person shields.
Fly down and vaporize the ion cannons? I don't think so. I have not seen any starships that big get down that low.
It wouldn't take a big ship.
Besides very powerful land based deffences will turn your ships into scrap heaps! Have you seen land based deffences in ST series?
You mean the little laser cannons which couldn't do squat versus the Federation shields?
Your nacelles should glow red instead of blue because they seem to be saying: "Hit me! HIT MEEEE!"
Nacelles are just what moves the ship beyond warp. The power for those engines is deep within the ship itself.
The Borg programming must be very simple for having a collective consiouness.
Ever seen all the hardware and code that it takes to network a few computers?
We have better props and computer graphics. Yours always stink. Example, those phasers remind me of hand vacumns. Wait a minute! It is a hand vacumn!
They look more like eletric razors to me.
You want to bring Star Ship Troopers into this eh? They have giant rings that encircle moons!
Star Ship Troopers, the movie? I always thought the whole "asteriod gun" thing was rather silly, considering it'd take centuries to toss an asteroid across a galaxy, never mind how hard it would be to hit a city from that distance. A city on a world that spins a full revolution every 24 hours, that orbits around a sun every 365 days, on an arm of a spinning galaxy from another planet which is revolving on it's axis, orbitting a star, in a distant, rotating part of the galaxy. Oh, and this is all the way through the galaxy itself, with all those gravity wells, including the most dense part of the galaxy.
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Post by Viktor »

DansingMungki wrote:Space 1999 is superior to both Star Trek and Star Wars and you all know it!
At last, someone else who knows the real Daddy of Sci-Fi shows!
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Viktor wrote:At last, someone else who knows the real Daddy of Sci-Fi shows!
Wouldn't that be the original Flash Gordon serials? :)
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Post by BlackDog »

I know how to shut down federation starships and defenses!

I'll fly a elongated stone column and send out whale mating calls on a subspace frequency and resonate energy and BAM! Everything shuts down, they all die.

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Post by Chris(is evil) »

Ming the merciless is the most evil of them all, forget the empire or the borg :twisted:
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Post by Knight » my arguments are worthless...but...
See Earth, see the moon, see the Yugovanslov fleet taking over gravity and flinging the ball of dust into the Earth. See Earth go byebye!
Nothing can travel at the speed of light. Since you defy physics you might as will be Qs...
But you said Q was energy.
Why do you attack the Grand Canyon with a nuke? You attacked it with a gun you moron? We use giant ancient equipment designed to destroy and reconstruct energy. Your Q is a big target!
Like I said you treat your Q as indestructible. The Force has a basis as being in everything and all around you. Your sucks...period.
Well at least throwing useless arguments at you is better than going down with a fight. Also we wond the poll so there!
Antimatter is spammatter, never heard of it. Have proof it exists?
We have giant planet moving machines made by alien races that are kinda of hard to destroy. You have them too easy.
BTW, why do you think will walk into the ST world? You think were that stupid?
All we have to do, like said above this post or the next is send a giant column of stone too call all your males to it and anything that wants sex. They will be too busy trying to unzip thier pants in vacumn to have time to defend your planets. Face it, you guys suck and are defeated.
Star Trek is not realistic and Star Wars is not realistic. But Aliens is!
All right, so SSTs giant rings sound silly. What if the asteroid is going at the speed of light. By the time you hear it, its there!
Ming? Ming? I saw him once and he looks like a pathetic, silly, little whore sucker.
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Post by n305er »

Since when is Borg programming complicated, huh? The Borg computer systems were never to designed to withstand a beating from a expert hacker because they never encountered one before. Maybe you were just lucky and had a giant android brain that had the speed of 3 megs of ram! The Borg programming must be very simple for having a collective consiouness.
Uh.. Who said they never had hackers before?
Ever watched 7of9 hacked a borg cube before? And Data hacking their encryption codes?[/quote]
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Post by DansingMungki »

Nothing can travel at the speed of light. Since you defy physics you might as will be Qs...
Thats just an unproven theory anyway, no one really knows wether things can travel past light speed or not.

Anyways so your using physic as an excuse against Star Trek? I guess youve never heard of Newtonian physics then.[/quote]
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Post by Knight »

This can't be happening! Rally up the clone troopers! Were going into battle! :cry:
*in real life however*
I know your secret! We must raid the country of ST videos and books, burn them all! :twisted:
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Things go faster than light in Star Wars - without any type of explantion.

Technically, you can't accellerate things to the speed of light by pushing harder. However, you can bend space. Gravity works this way, mass curves space and thus produces gravity.

Now, say you have a ship in space. Say you bend the space around the ship so that space is "less dense" in front and "more dense" behind it. Essentially, this is the 3D equivalent of putting a marble on a flat plane and then inclining it, the marble rolls. The more you incline it, the faster it rolls. Likewise, the more you distort space, the faster the spaceship will go.

Thus, it is possible to "warp" space to achieve the speed of light and beyond. Hince warp drive in Star Trek.

NASA's been toying with this idea for years too.
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Post by Knight »

NO! Another point to the ST! :cry:
Do you have unique races that don't look like people wearing make up? Nope you don't, that's a point for us! :P
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Post by n305er »

Gene Roddenberry actually got plenty of his "technical stuff" from NASA. It's no suprise that NASA has been toying with Star Trek Ideas. Even the Hypodermic was a hot idea. Since some people are afraid of niddles...

And Guys... Where is this topic going to?

It's supposed to be S.Wars VS. S.Trek using their logic and science... Not true logical science in this world... :mad:
Do you have unique races that don't look like people wearing make up? Nope you don't, that's a point for us!
Also, This does not explain what it has to do when they fight... (minus 1 point to SW)
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Post by Knight »

Who gives you the right to minus points from us? Huh? No, you have no right. :x
Besides, who watches ST anymore?
:? -
We SW fans outnumber you, so there!
:twisted: -
Your ST sucks. Period. :D

BTW, who was that character on ST:TNG, talking about the blonde female one who was always on the bridge and died later on in the series. :P
"The new world is a dangerous place." - Knight