Holy shit

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Post by Megatron »

stop whining then jeez. 'wah lifes to boring ill drink to much booze lol im a social animal wtf i keep shaking and drink a can of lager after i get out of bed help me internet'

you should get into an od of black tar heroin, then when you're passed out just call the local preach', have yourself rebaptized as catholic and marry yourself. If you have memory issues, I'm sure you won't mind
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Post by Blargh »

Spazmo wrote:Having read approximately 98% of everything that has ever been written (I cannot stomach that atrocious Danielle Steele, who accounts for the remaining 2%)
Well well well well well well well. Same here ! Sort of.
Spazmo wrote:How kind.
Always. Ahaha.

As for the topic, I would suggest considering cognitive behavioural therapy. It can assist with all sorts of personal issues and the management thereof. Chronic depression, for example, which unsurprisingly often accompanies/exacerbates/is an aspect of alcohol(ism). :drunk:
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Post by VasikkA »

The best way to quit a habit of sitting in a bar(or at home?) is to replace it with something else. Go hiking, cycling, bodybuilding, <insert an activity> etc.. Maybe you'll develop some muscles and get that strong woman Spazmo suggested.

Or masturbate vigorously. ;)
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

What is it about those AA, anyway? Whiny bitchy men who drink alcohol, I mean wtf, how's that supposed to help to talk to people who don't know jack shit, either?
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Post by Mismatch »

Spaz is right. Masturbation is the answer.
Download shitloads of pron, any pron.
And masturabte as soon as youre bored/yearn for alcohol.

Try to endulge in sex as frequent as possible and just coat youself in a sexual frenzy.

This should work.
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Post by Kizmiaz »

Subhuman wrote:Start smoking.
Like this?
Ukhan Kizmiaz
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Post by atoga »

Take up computer game design.

p.s. fuck you spazmo.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by St. Toxic »

Theres nothing wrong with addiction to alcohol, I wouldn't drop it for the world.
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Post by Spazmo »

atoga wrote:p.s. fuck you spazmo.
What? I said "loser or atoga." If you think you're a loser, buddy, I'm afraid that's something for you and Jesus to discuss.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by DAC »

Mercilessly spamming forums. This will certainly keep you busy, but will leave you only slightly less miserable in moments of self-reflection than you might be when you wake up in the cruel morning face down in a toilet filled with your own vomit, vaguely remembering a torrid night of intravenous vodka shooters some brief time ago.
Dont do this, see where it got hat man, now he lurks the wastes jumping on any topic that happens to be born there, DONT DO IT MAN, ITS NOT WORTH IT, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KEEP DRINKING
Morrowind owns like aptyps mum because shes a whore
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

The best way to stop drinking is to get super trashed one night, go driving and run over someone. Then go stare into their eyes as they die. You might take one last sip, but then when you get back into your car, you'll accidentally get your foot caught in the door, trip/fall and wind up backing over your own face.

Actually, running over someone doesn't help. One of my friends in a truck ran over 2 of my friends on a motorcycle one night while drunk. Sure he cried for a few hours and said he would never drink again, but a few hours later he was boozing it up at home. A few weeks later he got a third or fourth DUI, lost his license, etc. Then he got his license back and now he drives semi-trucks for a living. It's a scary world.

What got me to stop drinking alltogether was one night I was driving home from a party and I almost hit a car parked on the side of the interstate under a street light. Scared the shit out of me, and since then I've really not drank more than one beer at a time, and that's maybe once a month. The weekend before that happened I had spent an entire night drinking with one of my friends the night before giving a 7AM speech over transitional education programs for special-needs students. Those two incidents made me change my drinking ways.
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How did the speech go?
Join us on IRC at #fallout on the gamesurge.net network.
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Post by ApTyp »

":burp: :fart: :retch: :throw up: ...that concludes that part of my presentation, thank you for attending!"
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Well, I got a 97% and my guest speaker (the friend I was out drinking with all night) got a standing ovation. Then we went back to my dorm room and vomited for about 3 hours.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Must be the stress D:
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Post by atoga »

Have you quit the boozing, yet, ApTyp? Chit mang.
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by ApTyp »

Yes, I have. I'm having afterglow of some pills I took yesterday, but yes, I haven't had a drop of alcohol since last Thursday.
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Post by Killzig »

ApTyp wrote:No one understands me :(

Except maybe Killzig. But I don't like football.
:hug: I've always liked to say, I'm an alchy but I'm happy. Nothing wrong with a tumbler of whiskey a night to keep you sleeping easy.
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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