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Post by Megatron »

May I suggest we drop the subject, by the way?
Ah, but you see, the argument is never over
Fuck off OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone and stop trolling, jeez. "WAIT LOL IT WAS A JOKE AND THEN NOT A JOEK RITE? LAST WORD++" Why do you even bother posting here if all you're going to do is act like a bitch?

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Post by Blargh »

Four (4 !) pages of shite. I'd be shocked, had I not seem the same, weary ritual many times over. :drunk:
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Post by ApTyp »

Fallout politics is serious business.
Also, I'm writing down some shit. Yeah. With a pen. Actually I don't. Or do I? No I don't. Or do I?

No I don't.
Or do I?

The correct answer is "mystary". Of course.
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Post by Spazmo »

  • Bullshit internet politics are bullshit.
  • If posting VB shit in the Vault means Bethesda can't use it in FO3, GOOD!
  • The Vault is far more important than anyone's hurt feelings over not being notified and consulted when an entirely independent site decided to start a wiki.
  • Kiss and make up you prima donnas.
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Can we ban Kharn now? He seems to be the only one actually making any problems about the NMA vs DAC stuff over here... I mean really, Kharn, can you stop this shit already? This is about the third shit-spit from you and I'm tired of it. Consider this your warning.
Kharn wrote:As would I, but I don't think the chances are too big. This was very clearly made up as DaC's pet project from the start, NMA was never invited too participate or contacted about it in any way, which I think left a bad taste in a lot of NMA'ers mouths.
I think a news post on the front page of DAC (reference: first news post announcing the wiki) is enough of a "Hey guys, there's a Fallout wiki here if'n you wanna help out". I don't recall NMA admins contacting DAC every time a new / old Van Buren document is farted into existence, for example. Should we complain about that? What about all those interviews with Fallout developers? Were we contacted, at all, ever? Did we even get one out of courtesy?

Nope. Why not? Because if NMA posts it on the front page, it's enough for us to make a decision whether we pick it up or not. Odin doesn't need to e-mail us the news directly. He posts something at NMA, we read it at NMA and then we post it at DAC - if it's news we want to post.

That works both ways. At least, it normally does - or are you saying that every new content piece DAC gets from now on, we have to ping NMA a courtesy e-mail? Better yet, how about I rig up the news system here so that every new news item that's posted, an e-mail is automatically sent to every admin at NMA? I could do it pretty easily too. It'd be a simple call to the e-mail function and it'd take about two lines. Better yet, I could make it run every hour on the hour and send you a list of all the topics in DAC's forums - just in case there's an exclusive there you might want to catch.

Would you still feel so left out in the awful cold if I did that for you, diddums?

Fact is, the wiki is clearly a "Fallout Community" project. We've made that pretty gosh-darned clear by now I would've thought. If "NMA" don't want to contribute or post news about it, that's NMA's decision - not ours.
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Post by Killzig »

To answer your question, yes.
The answer to your first question is shaddup.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Kharn wrote:You make it sound more ridiculous than it is, though, we don't decide dick, but again you seem to be demanding of NMA that it jump on the chance to support your project for no good reason whatsoever.
What? We don't give a shit if NMA joins or not, like I said, you're the one who brought up the subject, you're the one who deplored the fact DAC didn't invite NMA specificaly. The thing is, everyone was invited to participate, and NMA feeling concerned or not isn't at all our problem.

I think individuals over at NMA have enough free-will to participate if they want(and some do) or do nothing if it's their pleasure. I guess Odin felt left out, too bad for him, but by ignoring the wiki, he's contributing to the rivalry between DAC and NMA.

And I guess that's why you are here, rambling on and on like an old man(or are you an old man?) about NMA feeling left out and us doing nothing to improve the situation. You should try to settle this matter with Odin. Like you probably already noticed, after 4 pages of trying to convince us, nobody feels guilty here, and nobody gives a damn about the NMA staff ignoring or not the wiki, so you for sure won't get any help from here.
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Post by Briosafreak »

DarkUnderlord wrote:Fact is, the wiki is clearly a "Fallout Community" project.

Nope DU, this is a DAC project, since it`s hosted by DAC wich follows the will and of desires of Teatime, and the last time i talked about a Fallout community he clearly stated that:
The trick is not to care, and it's not such a big deal because we are clearly not 'one' community, as the sites have different audiences and tastes.
So i think Kharn and Silencer are wrong on this, and the people at NMA should leave things at that, allowing Ausir and the others to gather info from NMA and, if asked to, everyone at NMA should reply to doubts on historical stuff (btw Ausir, the VB timeline was around 10 years after FO2, but for the exact dates just find someone on the Codex, Obsidian or NMA that worked on the game, that`s all i got and i don`t have the time for this right now), but that`s it, if there isn`t a Fallout community then we shouldn`t act as if one exists. This is more or less what i`ve told Mr.SmileyFaceDude when he told me working at the wiki was the best way to help Bethesda making FO3, and i still stick to it, nothing radically changed in Teatime`s understanding of how Fallout sites must work separately, so i`ll respect that.

And if you had read the posts a little better DU you would see that Kharn was trying again to start a dialogue with an olive branch, against my advice. He is an admin at NMA and i just lurk there, so i understand he has to be more optimistic about people and to try to fix problems here and there comes with the job, but again it´s not worth it.

Let`s move on.

P.s.: So FO3 is going to be about Mutants again? Hope they find some new twist, it`s a bit cliché by now, well i wish them luck.
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Post by ApTyp »

Mutants are an important staple of every work of fiction using post-nuclear war setting as a backdrop.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

Briosafreak wrote: stuff
As has been said earlier, the only people stopping you from working on it is yourself. You have to get over the fact that it was thought up by Ausir and DaC people, and is hosted here, and swallow your pride which seems to prevent you from helping out.

I notice both Kharn and Silencer are now working on the wiki - good for you, hope you continue to do it. It's a constructive way to have some effect on Bethsoft.
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Post by Briosafreak »

It`s not about pride, it`s about respecting what you said earlier. When one takes a stand one should realise there are consequences, Teatime, this is not a kids game. If you really think there isn`t a Fallout community in general but instead diferent places for diferent people to do diferent things then be it.
Or have you changed your mind?
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

Briosafreak wrote:It`s not about pride, it`s about respecting what you said earlier. When one takes a stand one should realise there are consequences, Teatime, this is not a kids game. If you really think there isn`t a Fallout community in general but instead diferent places for diferent people to do diferent things then be it.
Or have you changed your mind?
You're twisting my words, and I ain't gonna argue. Get over yourself, or get lost. Douche.
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Post by Brother None »

I know I said I wouldn't reply anymore, but I'll hope it'll be forgiven as it is in a positive vein
Mr. Teatime wrote:I notice both Kharn and Silencer are now working on the wiki - good for you, hope you continue to do it. It's a constructive way to have some effect on Bethsoft.
That's what I figured myself, though personally I think it shouldn't be constructed purely with the view of influencing Bethesda. That's a rather odd subject to build a site's contents about and it's bound to disappoint in the end. Rather is a resource for anyone interested in Fallout. Hell, I've used it as a resource before.

Turns out I was registered since some time too, completely forgot about that.

My personal stance on the wikipedia and willingness to help out with it were not the topics of this thread, though, but I think we've beaten that cow long enough
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Post by Briosafreak »

Teatime if you haven`t changed your mind then it`s wrong for anyone outside DAC to help out. Kharn and Silencer disagree though, so they will act acordingly, ok then, i`ll stick to the idea that it´s the wrong thing to do but it`s their responsability and their will, i have to respect that.

If you changed your mind then it would be positive for you to accept it, dwelling in error isn`t a virtue, everyone understands that.

But you can`t have both ways, and going to the corner mumbling something won`t help.

Well again it´s your place, so i`ll follow your wishes.
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Post by Spazmo »

My wishes (as I'm apparently a Vault admin for some stupid reason) include everyone who's willing and able to contribute to the Vault to do so. If they don't want to, fine, but could they avoid a) bullshit about it not being a community effort and b) dragging the Vault into the usual NMA-DAC bullcrap?

If it'll help settle things, both sites can hate the Codex together. It'll be great.
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grow some balls briosfreak and just do it. You dont need teatimes statement on how he views the fallout community, just so you can post on a fuckin wiki.

Join us on IRC at #fallout on the gamesurge.net network.
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Post by Ausir »

Briosafreak wrote: So i think Kharn and Silencer are wrong on this, and the people at NMA should leave things at that, allowing Ausir and the others to gather info from NMA and, if asked to, everyone at NMA should reply to doubts on historical stuff (btw Ausir, the VB timeline was around 10 years after FO2, but for the exact dates just find someone on the Codex, Obsidian or NMA that worked on the game, that`s all i got and i don`t have the time for this right now).
I already found the exact date in the Reservation design document, but thanks. it's October 23, 2253. By the way, Kharn and Silencer are now The Vault administrators. The Vault is simply a resource of all Fallout info - please all of you don't drag the NMA/DAC wars into this. As for Teatime's statements, he's in charge of DAC, yes, but I'm in charge of The Vault, although he also contributed to it and of course hosts it at DAC.

And no, the goal of the Vault is certainly not only influencing Bethesda. The goal is making what Fallout Bible was supposed to be - a detailed compendium of the whole Fallout world.
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Post by Mr. Teatime »

And I AM glad to see kharn and silencer taking a role, very welcome they are too. As far as bethsoft goes, i am sure they would get sick of browsing through threads like this where all we do is bitch. Something like the wiki is a much better way of getting our ideas across. Maybe we need to create an 'ideas for fallout 3' part of it, actually..
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Post by Brother None »

Mr. Teatime wrote:And I AM glad to see kharn and silencer taking a role.
And we're very glad to be here, Mr. Leno.
Mr. Teatime wrote:As far as bethsoft goes, i am sure they would get sick of browsing through threads like this where all we do is bitch. Something like the wiki is a much better way of getting our ideas across. Maybe we need to create an 'ideas for fallout 3' part of it, actually..
Honestly, don't you think that'd just overlap the forum?

In fact, Wikimedia was designed as a resource tool, not a discussion tool, and you'll find ideas for Fallout 3 are a lot less interesting if they're not under debate.

Wikimedia only offers itself in a limited way as a discussion tool, since articles usually express only one opinion. If they express two opinions, they're usually a bit limited in it.

No man, discussion forums are the way to go for opinions and ideas, Wikimedia's more for solid facts :drunk:
Ozrat wrote:I haven't been so oppressed since prom in 9th grade.
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Post by Spazmo »

Mr. Teatime wrote:Maybe we need to create an 'ideas for fallout 3' part of it, actually..
NO! I've been reading suggestions for Fallout 3 for years now, and they mostly have two things in common. First, they're crap. Second, they get ignored when they actually start making the game because the developers have their own ideas, thanks.

The Vault is a resource for what IS in Fallout, not what we want in Fallout.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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