Can we ban Kharn now? He seems to be the only one actually making any problems about the NMA vs DAC stuff over here... I mean really, Kharn, can you stop this shit already? This is about the third shit-spit from you and I'm tired of it.
Consider this your warning.
Kharn wrote:As would I, but I don't think the chances are too big. This was very clearly made up as DaC's pet project from the start, NMA was never invited too participate or contacted about it in any way, which I think left a bad taste in a lot of NMA'ers mouths.
I think a news post on the front page of DAC (reference:
first news post announcing the wiki) is enough of a "Hey guys, there's a Fallout wiki here if'n you wanna help out". I don't recall NMA admins contacting DAC every time a new / old Van Buren document is farted into existence, for example. Should we complain about that? What about all those interviews with Fallout developers? Were we contacted, at all, ever? Did we even get one out of courtesy?
Nope. Why not? Because if NMA posts it on the front page, it's enough for us to make a decision whether we pick it up or not. Odin doesn't need to e-mail us the news directly. He posts something at NMA, we read it at NMA and then we post it at DAC - if it's news we want to post.
That works both ways. At least, it normally does - or are you saying that every new content piece DAC gets from now on, we have to ping NMA a courtesy e-mail? Better yet, how about I rig up the news system here so that every new news item that's posted, an e-mail is automatically sent to every admin at NMA? I could do it pretty easily too. It'd be a simple call to the e-mail function and it'd take about two lines. Better yet, I could make it run every hour on the hour and send you a list of all the topics in DAC's forums - just in case there's an exclusive there you might want to catch.
Would you still feel so left out in the awful cold if I did that for you, diddums?
Fact is, the wiki is clearly a "Fallout Community" project. We've made that pretty gosh-darned clear by now I would've thought. If "NMA" don't want to contribute or post news about it, that's NMA's decision - not ours.