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Listen Sauron, we don't have time for your kiddy game bullshit. This is fucking serious alright, if you can't handle it you know where the door is okay? Jesus christ, you think we're just playing around like 12 year olds? This is so goddam serious it's like pregnant mothers with crack babies held hostage while your family all have bowel cancer and your dog got ran over. Would you crack a smile then? Would you make some little kiddie bullshit cry babies? Or would you step up and be a real man. Do you have the guts for it sauron?
Sometimes I lack your commitment to the true Fallout wikipedia. Either get DAC tattooed on your bicep, naval and knee or GTFO IRL
Sometimes I lack your commitment to the true Fallout wikipedia. Either get DAC tattooed on your bicep, naval and knee or GTFO IRL

- DarkUnderlord
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Well that's a really fucked up way to be looking at things then, Briosafreak.Briosafreak wrote:Nope DU, this is a DAC project, since it`s hosted by DAC wich follows the will and of desires of Teatime, and the last time i talked about a Fallout community he clearly stated that:DarkUnderlord wrote:Fact is, the wiki is clearly a "Fallout Community" project.Mr. Teatime wrote:The trick is not to care, and it's not such a big deal because we are clearly not 'one' community, as the sites have different audiences and tastes.
As Teatime said, don't care about it. Don't even care about the URL. It's hosted on DAC. BIG WHOOP. You'd be happier if we setup www.falloutwikiwhicheveryonecanparticipatein.com ? But who pays for it then? Who's responsible for backing it up? What if it ends up being, SHOCK HORROR, a DAC admin? OH NOEZ!!1
Do we treat Bourgeious or IanOut as "NMA projects" which we "aren't allowed to talk about or participate in" simple because they're hosted on NMA? Do we need special invitations from Odin or you telling us when we can and when we can't post news items about them? Do I need a special invite form signed by you telling me I can give suggestions to the IanOut team?
For a former news guy, you sure are funny.
Oh great, now you're telling your own community what they can and can't do.Briosafreak wrote:So i think Kharn and Silencer are wrong on this, and the people at NMA should leave things at that
"NMA Community: This is a message from Briosafreak. You ARE NOT, repeat ARE NOT allowed to participate in the Fallout wiki which is hosted by DAC. If you do, we here at NMA will ban you and sick Rosh on your arse!"
Whatever you've got your dick caught in, pull it out, now. Ausir shouldn't have to pop over to NMA and ask for "the NMA Community's opinion" on things before it goes in the wiki. When did this shit come into force? Did I miss a memo? I missed a memo again, didn't I?
Hell. Anyone, ANYONE should be allowed to pop along to the wiki - regardless of the forum they frequent or "community" they think they're a part of - find something to add or correct, make changes as they see fit and leave.
... and you know what? Anyone CAN. Despite what you think or what you may or may not want your denizens to do. If you think otherwise, you guys really have turned into fascists.
I see that now. The real problem here is you.Briosafreak wrote:And if you had read the posts a little better DU you would see that Kharn was trying again to start a dialogue with an olive branch, against my advice.
Saint is right. You are a douche.
Now, do we need to send out invite's to the wiki to all the other Fallout sites out there as well, or is this just an NMA thing?

- Saint_Proverbius
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Via Domain by Proxy? What are you, paranoid?Killzig wrote:I actually purchased Fallout-Wiki.org and will be forwarding the domain to the wiki.

Always is.Aptyp wrote:NMA is clearly the guilty party here, though.
Am I still warned?DU wrote:I see that now. The real problem here is you.

Ozrat wrote:I haven't been so oppressed since prom in 9th grade.
- Saint_Proverbius
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I doubt bethesda will actually use the wiki as anything "official", they will probably use it as a bit of reference then investigate themselfs. Hell, they might even just use the Fallout Bible because thats the only real official thing.
Just imagine if someone put something wrong on the wiki and bethesda used it then they have a messed up story or something. They wont trust us that much.
Just imagine if someone put something wrong on the wiki and bethesda used it then they have a messed up story or something. They wont trust us that much.
Join us on IRC at #fallout on the gamesurge.net network.
That's why the idea is to put references for all facts stated in the wiki - it might not be there yet, but I'm working on it. See, for example:
http://vault.duckandcover.cx/index.php? ... ue#Sources
http://vault.duckandcover.cx/index.php? ... ue#Sources
- Saint_Proverbius
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Ausir wrote:That's why the idea is to put references for all facts stated in the wiki - it might not be there yet, but I'm working on it. See, for example:
http://vault.duckandcover.cx/index.php? ... ue#Sources


- Mr. Teatime
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