Haris wrote:Norrec maybe you should try playing fallout 1 and 2 first so you learn how to play fallout games.
No, bullshit. I saw you say this before, that's bullshit.
You can be a Fallout-pro and not really get what this is about. Yes, they're on the same engine, but that's about it. All the logical connections between skills and effects we know from Fallout are lacking in this game. In Fallout, if I tagged speech, I'd better damn well be able to use it to have actual conversations and, as mentioned above, conversation is fairly limited to either "Fetch me..." or "Some info lol".
Being good at this mod has nothing to do with being good at Fallout, don't insult people like that, the skills required for this mod are knowledge of how Fallout combat works and apt use of quick-save and load.
Haris wrote:But than again maybe you have mistaken this mod for being fallout 3 or one of those mods where fans are promising to make fan made fallout 3 like mutant rising or fmf or fanout wich no longer exists. WM2 is a conversion mod. Mean it aims to bring different gameplay to the game. Like counter strike brought different gameplay to half life.
Ok, but that doesn't give us any reason to like it, now does it? I'm not going to adapt the fact that I want to have fun playing it to your envisioned goal.
I'll admit I'm not very far down the line, level 4 right now, but so far this has been little less than absolutely frustrating. I can't believe that I had to run through all the packed-together towns just to get a shitload of fetch quests, of which I have to keep note *myself*, which is very, very annoying.
And then what's left? Combat? Well whoopdidoo. Maybe having to fight your way through hordes of rats and brahmin, hiding in doorways to fight them one at a time and fleeing from hordes of dogs whenever you bump into them is a good time in your view, but shit, I think a lot of people would find it boring.
And what am I doing it for? This thing has no setting, no backstory, the towns are all faceless and uninteresting, with nobody to explain what they're about, just loads of people shitting fetch-quests over you. So why am I fighting hordes of bahmin/rats/"cannibals" (who have pretty inappropriate floating texts)? Survival? Like I care. Survival is hardly a goal to be "reached", now is it?
Scrounging together money for the next bit of armour is fun in a hack-n-slash like Diablo. Do you know why? Because in Diablo, the combat is fun. Challenging, even if you go at it tactically and impossible if you go at it bluntly. And a very important added factor is the fact that Diablo has nice, fast-paced combat. Not too fast, not too slow. Fighting hordes like you do in Diablo doesn't work turnbased, now does it?
Yet that's exactly what you try to do in this mod. That's horrible, it really is. Fallout wasn't designed to have players progress purely by tedious, difficult combat, it was designed to be a CRPG, not a hack-n-slash, the engine just doesn't twist that way and you've made no effort to make it so.
And the design is just lazy, with little thought put into it
Hell, maybe, just maybe, the basic premise would've worked if you put some effort into it to make a balanced game. Start with a little stuff that *isn't hidden in stupid points over several uninteresting towns that you have no reason to stay in*, progress with an actual storyline and instructions on how to get from town a to b (Fallout's worldmap was designed to have locations marked down on it, not to have the player search for the bloody locations manually)
Also remember that I don't want to have to read a walkthrough to be able to play a game. Basic instructions but more importantly the game itself giving nudges as to how to play, either by trial-and-error or otherwise, helps a lot. The need for DETAILED instructions from your side again shows bad and lazy design.
Maybe you should think about the fact that so many people dislike this mod. Perhaps we don't want this kind of shitty mod implemented on Fallout. If you want to build them, sure, but don't get upset if they're not generally well-liked.
Haris wrote:It is mod that gives you a reazon to raise your char to level 70-90.
Good Lord, I felt obligated to give this a try and even feel a guilt-trip to play it through, but I definitely won't if I have to keep up this tedious combat until level fucking 70. Shit, man, that's just fucked up.
I understand you like difficult games, but there's a difference between a game being challenging or a game just asking for a shitload of patience. Fallout was challenging because you had to *think* about how to solve quests and find things, such as the water chip. Combat added to the challenge, but I'd have hated it if I had to spend Fallout 2 doing the same as I had to do for WM2 combat; *constant* saving-loading. This game isn't difficult, it's just annoying, and I guess the challenge lies in putting up with it long enough to finish it
DarkUnderlord wrote:If anyone gives this a shot, I'm interested in their opinions on the fishing, mining and all that. We're still undecided whether we want to include any of this (though mainly the fishing and cooking) in a "Real" Fallout game or whether it'd be taking the game down a path where it shouldn't be going. Certainly not removing stimpaks from the game but the cooking is "something interesting" which a few people might get a kick out of. Given it'd just be a matter of nicking Haris' scripts from this mod, it's not hard to implement either.
In fact, this mod should be set as a shining example of what not to do when modding Fallout. Apart from it being pretty much a piece of shit, it's originally design was to diverge AWAY from the Fallout gaming world, which is not something you or MR or any of the Fallout full gaming mods wants to achieve.
Fishing, mining and food are all out-of-context in the way the Fallout setting operates, especially if you keep stimpaks (eating meat heals just like a chemical device does? Yeah right, logical mistake there). That kind of scrounging belongs to "pack-mule" games, such as Diablo but also such as real CRPGs like RoA and Ultima, where part of the goal is simply to stack random items for both fetch-quests and to forge other items with.
It could be implemented to fit into a Fallout game, I guess, but it doesn't fit it like a glove and would probably ruin a lot of gameplay if it were unavoidable, as it is in WM2.