Happy Hiroshima day!

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Franz Schubert
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Post by Franz Schubert »

I don't understand how a person can defend the decision to kill 200,000 civilians. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Wolfman Walt
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

We're misanthropic.
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Post by Blargh »

Such an excuse cheapens misanthropy. :drunk:
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

I wasn't offering it as an excuse per say, just saying what was wrong with us. Well, amongst other things.
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Post by Koki »

Franz Schubert wrote:I don't understand how a person can defend the decision to kill 200,000 civilians. What the fuck is wrong with you?
My points were valid.

Well, for me at least :drunk:
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Wolfman Walt
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

I think the important point is that he excluded "Innocent" though.
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Post by Blargh »

Wrong ? Misanthropy is a healthy perspective, given the Nature Of Things. If only my opinion were fact. :drunk:
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Franz Schubert
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Post by Franz Schubert »

Wolfman Walt wrote:I think the important point is that he excluded "Innocent" though.
It doesn't matter if they were innocent... even if they were all baby-eaters and Goatse-worshippers, the disturbance in the Force would have been just as dramatic.
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Post by ApTyp »

Franz Schubert wrote:I don't understand how a person can defend the decision to kill 200,000 civilians. What the fuck is wrong with you?
He is not some shell-shocked pussy unable to deal with the real world.
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Post by Koki »

Franz Schubert wrote:the disturbance in the Force would have been
Now that's plain gay.
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Post by ApTyp »

Star Wars geeks are all pedophiles, no surprise here.
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Post by MadBill »

If I can't feel the seismic disturbance the bomb was not big enough.

The nukes dropped on japan were obviously not large enough, I can't feel their seismic echos 50+ years later.
I miss the good ol' USSA.
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Post by ApTyp »

I read an article on Superflat that dismisses otaku culture as an attempt to go back to Japan's cultural roots, while oblivious to hugely important American influence that forms the basis of anime.

I can't help but feel to be somewhat responsible for tentacle rape mangas. :cry:
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Post by drochfhuaimniú »

Was it right to bomb two cities filled with civilians? I don't think so--however, would anything else have given the Japanese an incentive to stop the war? One had already been bombed when they refused to capitulate, so the second was.

If US troops had to invade Japan, and fight a 4 million strong Japanese Army and a 30 million strong citizen-militia it would have been hell to pay. They were training them to use bamboo spears to fight Americans. It would've been a slaughter of civilians who fought men with guns, or booby-traps and guerrilla warfare, and blood for every island in that archipelago and there would be a lot less Japanese today. And I think that would be worse than the 200,000 dead. But I'm sure that sentiment has been echoed throughout forums across the Internet lately.

I guess the real thing that seems to annoy me the most is when people pull out this sort of thing and don't seem to have looked at the record of Japan in the Manchurian War and the rest of World War 2. Rape of Nanking, anyone?

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What the fuck?
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

By todays definition they'd be considered "Illegal Combatants" for the most part so we can drop a majority of the civilian crap.
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Post by vx trauma »

Well even as war can be considered as hell, it can still be seen as beautiful actions of mankind. Not the suffering but the magnificent explosions, the pure chaos of dusty violent detonations, massive formations of hot metal vehicles designed for killing.
Now the japanese civilians under influence of amphetamines attacking blindly against military, that would have been a sight.
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Post by Redeye »

vx trauma wrote:Well even as war can be considered as hell, it can still be seen as beautiful actions of mankind. Not the suffering but the magnificent explosions, the pure chaos of dusty violent detonations, massive formations of hot metal vehicles designed for killing.
Now the japanese civilians under influence of amphetamines attacking blindly against military, that would have been a sight.
I feel a strategy game mod coming on.

Oooh, yes.
Or even a Sims add-on. Sim Genocide?

Compete with other players to find the most artistic methods
of pacification.
I'd set up 10 units of 30 B-29s each for bombing the cities.
Say 3 waves per day all on one city. Plus random attacks on other
cities. Loadout: 70% incendiary, 15% HE, 15% camoflauged mines-
especially in the shape of vegetables and toys.
Another 10 units of same type devoted to maintaining the saturation
of coastal mines to prevent shipping.
Another 10 units to randomly attack all sorts of targets.
10 units to hit agriculture and any sort of industry.
That's 1200 B-29s. An easily achievable amount. I'm assuming this plan
starting in 1946 and accieving full force strength sometime in 1947/48.
Then keep it up until 1950/51 or even later- make it an institution like
Throw in 100 P51 & 100 Twin Mustang per unit for general harrasment.
That's 4000 p51&400Twin Must. Also doable.
Build enough more Iowa-class to put a couple dozen distributed in the non-mined areas for coastal harrasment. Toss in a few carriers, pocket carriers, and escort carriers- for even more harrassment.
Also drop poison in the rivers.
Of course, you'd have to wait a year before deploying the ships because
the continuous bombing would be required to finish off most of the
kamikaze force.
Talk about some fun shit!
Oh yeah, basing. China and Okinawa. Maybe Korea. For convenience one of the main islands would have to be conquered- so the bomber pilots could sleep more by flying from there. I wouldn't want them to be inconvenienced.

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Post by VasikkA »

Actually I've wanted to play a historic flight simulator where you get to drop the bomb in Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator didn't offer this option, don't know if any mods do. I guess it's still some sort of taboo, kinda like playing a nazi in a WWII shooter. All the talk about in games being able to do stuff you couldn't do in real life, bullshit.
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Post by ApTyp »

That's why there's Ethnic Cleansing: The Game


Post by Naked_Lunch »

The Review section wrote: Just got my game, E.C. and wanted to
say thank's comrades! You have made me so fuckin happy, tear's are rollin off my white face and on to my assault rifle which I must now clean to prevent rust! You bastard's(lol)......I dont want to seem ungrateful but is there any chance of a patch, that can include new's reporter's or gook's?


-"The game has a high level of background detail and various National Alliance signs and posters appear throughout while racist rock blares on the soundtrack."

At the end, the player confronts the "end boss," a rocket launcher-wielding Ariel Sharon, who hurls insults such as: "Oy vey! Can you shoot no better than that?"; "We have destroyed your culture!"; and "We silenced Henry Ford." When Sharon dies, he coughs out "Filthy White dog, you have destroyed thousands of years of planning." -ADL

- This racist inflamation is killing multiculturalization. I says we need a proclamation to end Western civilization -Jesse J.

"You should all go to hell for even creating such a disgusting piece of shit. I can't believe people are still around who are so shallow and create things like games to kill jews and blacks! People can't choose what race or religion they are at birth, and they shouldn't be discriminated for being a different color. Whites are the minority, you know! And what is with your kill-the-jew concept? Just because jews don't agree with some things, means you should kill them off? You people are disgusting! And it makes me even more angry because I am a jew. You should be ashamed for even making a site so repulsive. So go and fuck yourselves, you disgusting bastards.

"...I believe this game is going to be extremely popular -- and it will touch the hearts of thousands of White people because it's not intellectual -- it's entertainment, and that's why it delivers a very powerful message. Every young elementary school kid who plays this game will have visions of killing Ariel Sharon while sitting in class! When their history teacher asks the class if they've ever heard of Israel or Ariel Sharon, the White kids certainly will have!"
"...If there isn't already one being planned, I wouldn't be surprised if an "Ethnic Cleansing Fan Club" starts up on the internet. Many players can compare notes and strategies in one of these clubs. I wonder if there is a special combination of keys that when pressed, gives the player supernatural powers?"
"...I guess I've gone over the edge. I have become an Ethnic Cleansing junkie, and if you sold T-shirts with the Ethnic Cleansing logo, I'd buy one."

- Rob M.

- I got a beta test version 4.01 and it was a scream!
The first thing that stood out was the sound, as I went
through the menu, Thought Criminal was playing and as
functions were selected some sort of wash sound runs
from the speakers. When the game finished loading I found
myself in a room with life points and ammo. I made my
way down some stairs and went outside, at once, I was being
shot at by ghetto groids, I swung into action and blasted
the nig, copius amounts of blood spewed from the nig and
the sound of the nigs death left me in stitches! The sound
is like a monkey being killed by asians for a meal of brains!
I proceeded to shoot swell guy and spics slowly cleansing
the street and vacant lot. I found an ammo store hidden
in one of the rooms. This was handy because my life was
being drained by the nigs and spics. I finished cleansing
all of level one and destroyed 'Big Nig', I made my way
to the subway and entered level 2. The place is full of
jews, I shoot one of the foul pigs and it said "Oy Vey!"
I continued to shoot them, they seem alot harder to kill
than swell guy. After cleansing part of the subway I began
searching for more life and ammo. I found some in a
bathroom but I had to kill 6 or 7 swell guy to get to it,
and no sooner than the bathroom was cleansed, a jew
was in my face with a machine gun! I blasted the kike
and made my way back to the platform, I would write more
but I need to get back to the game! I would say buy the
god damned game and freak your freinds out! Needless
to say this game will be banned for sure, dont fuck
about, get it.

Bob. H.
- A killer game made by the only people who had the balls to do it! Hail to RESISTANCE!! -Chris M.
This game is wunderbar !!! - Bart
"You should be ashamed to produce and promote this kind of racist software! -DR & AJM AJM@Clix.pt
"You should be arrested." -Peggy Brunyansky TheInkwell@compuserve.com

I recently wrote to you regarding a damaged game. I got the new copy that you sent out automatically today. Thanks for a great game...I only managed to kill seven or eight sambos before I got killed though.
Never mind, practice, practice...

Thanks again,

This can't be for real. I don't whether it should be :dance: or D; but I like it.
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